Trinity: The First School To Offer Free Apologetics/Theology Graduate Distance Programs
Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology is restructuring its courses and the work is expected to be complete very soon. Thus all the available courses are listed below but the details of some courses will take another three weeks to be updated. You can apply for any of diplomas listed below, even if the details of the syllabus are not listed yet.
There is absolutely no tuition fees, fees for books, or any hidden fees. All textbooks are given to you via net-downloads. There is nothing to buy. At the same time, a small one-time registration fees is applicable for students from developed countries, information about which will be sent to you with your initial admission notice. There is no registration fees for students from poor countries.
In addition to the FREE textbooks that are given for each course, Trinity School also offers more than 100 CDs totally FREE via downloads. These FREE CDs contain Bibles, Theological books, Audio and Video. You download them at your convenience. There is no other institution worldwide which gives so much material free to its students.
Please note: If the same topic, say Theology Proper, is seen in more than one diploma program, they are not one and the same. They represent different courses, and their module numbers are therefore different.
Bachelors Diplomas Offered
Masters Diplomas Offered
Doctoral Diplomas Offered
Brethren Assembly | Free Bible College | Biblical Archeology
Free Courses | Free Apologetics Courses | Free Seminary Degrees
Trinity Courses are truly biblical in nature and they have helped me to a spiritual foundation that has matured me spiritually. However, an area that has not fully been covered but very crucial is biblical / christian counseling.
Also I would like to propose that area of specialization in the courses should be noted in the certificates e.g. MTh ( Christian Apologetics).
Otherwise God bless Trinity.
Good Day, what is the cost of the bachelors programs
I enrolled for MRE with the trinity school last year in May, 2012. But the things I have studies so far, I have learnt many things. If you have tried school, try one more time. Try trinity. You will never regret.
I did course work in the DMIN and learned a great deal. I have recently aplied to upgrade to the Dr of Apologetics. The Apologetics modules are especially practical and have helped me to prepare young people to face the challenges they will see in US Universities where professors will try hard to shake thier faith. I woulf recommend high school graduates to complete a B.A. from Trinity to be better prepared for the challenges of anti Christian atmosphere of American Universities. Trinities Apologetics will prepare you well to thrive in those situations.
how can one tally their courses?
Dear Brother Mose,
I recommend to the men that i disciple that they put together a portfolio of thier work to show to perspective churches that they miight have opportunity to minister with.
since you will be writing a summary analysis of each module that you study your portfolio could be an accumulation of each paper that you produce. This could be dome in either paper or digital form. I have a digital “Life Development Portfolio” that you can review as an example linked within my website at Fell free to review and use my portfolio as a guide.
As i accumulate Module papers through my DrApol I plan to write them s if i am writing to young people who are preparing to enter university where they will need the information within these Apologetics courses to combat liberal manipulation and attempts to draw them away from their faith in Christ. Young Christian people are often an easy target for intellectual professors who are skeptics and angry with God. Too often secular higher education is a breeding ground for the shipwreck of our young people that follows them through life. A compilation of Module papers may serve to put together a preparation text for the college or university bound young Christian.
I hope that this comment has been useful to you. I learned much from the apologetics course here at Trinity and use them often to help others in the ministry of discipleship which God has blessed me with.
Lord less,
Pastor Dave
This is most insightful and useful in resolving my my wrestle to study with Trinity.
Thanks Pastor Dave,
Victor Manieson
Thanks for sharing. Its very helpful
I am trying to apply for Theology course but I do not get response
Is This School still alive
I have just sent in a question about Trintiy Seminary and I signed off with the wrong address.
Doug Fowler
I belief at the end of every course,exam will be directed to me. Thanking you and looking forward for your response.
Very grateful for the opportunity offered me to have my master course. Thanks once again.
Rev. Napoleon
indeed trinity courses are fantastic. it surely a must studied for those who want to fulfill their ministry. God bless trinity and keep it alive for christian leaders
I thank the Lord when I received the course material my life now is totally changed the way Iam seeing things its different indeed this is a wonderful school.
Trinity course materials are informative and educative for those who wants to equip themselves and for the work of ministry. I have just completed my DBS and will soon start another course in the school. l commend our mentors, for their efforts.
I have learnt and known many things from this school. I am a different person and I have a vast knowledge. Apologetics is rarely taught in many schools. I have gone in Two different colleges before I enrolled at Trinity. But the things I have learnt now are quiet different and challenging as well as practical.
Respected Sir,
Greetings in jesus name.
Thank you wonderful for the good facility for
B.Th., and B.D. courses through postal correspondence
System.Really i feel so happy to do up to Doctorate courses.
I will introduce this courses to my friends.
Please send me first B.Th. course.
Plz pray for my ministry and family.I am also praying.
Thanking you,
Your’s in KING of KING service,
Im very interested in the 4year theolgy program. I have no additional schooling. How do I get started?
Maybe I can HELP! Go, Home page, Click on Application….Its simple from there. I graduated in August 2012 with my Bachelor in Ministry. Working on my Master in Divinity. This school is full of Spirit. It has changed my life!
Peace in the valley…
Calvin Dodson (Bmin)
How much does the Bachelors program cost in tuition?
Please send an initial application for all the info that you need
I am eager to start soon if possible. Iam assistance pastor in alocal church in springfield va. working as acab driver to help family. This free cource will help me very much. with short age of financial i couldn’t go to school. I realy how i appreciate you guys may GOD blesse you abundently.let he bless you the hands of your work. Thank you in advance for your help. your brother in christ.
I would love to be a part of this programme. I would love to know where to sign up.
Where does one start?
When God called me to be a teacher of His Word, I wondered how He’d accomplish it with the little finances I had.
I needed to study theology and I visited several universities but the fees…!
Then God directed me online where I got several sites.
I prayed, which one Lord?
Of the several I got, I found myself applying only to TGSAT.
All I can now say is: Thank you Jesus. Your promises are indeed Yes & Amen.
Brethren, you are not in this site by chance, God is directing you. Because you’re blessed and thus is those behind TGSAT. Thank you again for enrolling me!
What I have discovered from my studies is real life situation in the community at large. God should continue guiding the leadership of trinity school.
since this school is tuition free, i would like to know if at the end the master programm there is a certificate/diploma which can help ma access a higher training dregree, as for example doctorate degree, if yes, how will i do to get that document?
Transcripts and degrees are given to every student. They are sent via post.
Good day sir.
i must commend the efforts of the management and staff of trinity. the materials are higher than many theology schools.
I registered about two years ago but could not go further because of the large volumes of materials to summarize due to the open text approach adopted by Trinity school. the nature of my job does not give me the time so i am asking if there could be a system of exams and tests at a certain period as a means of evaluating a students progress rather. than the open text approach which requires more time to read and summarize. even if this will require certain amount of fees to cover the exams and administrative expenses i am ready to pay as does some of my friends i introduced to trinity here in nigeria.
thank you.
Stephen Paul
I applied for ThD course. But any responds did not get yet
At present admission for Indians students is over up to 2020 end
Hello Dr. Johnson,
I was a student of Trinity from ‘08-‘10. I am in need of my transcript. I can’t locate a contact area on the website anywhere. Could you please contact me? I am very appreciative
What Bible does Trinity use?
We prefer KJV, but students use a wide variety of Bibles for comparative studies.
It says only one time registration fees. i am from a developing country and i pay nothing? in another area i read that there is another fee(graduation fee)this is a bit confusing. if this last fee is a must to pay. i wanted to know if i can afford it.How much is the fee
Everyone has to pay a graduation fees at the time of graduation, which is usually 2 years after a student starts his studies
how much is the graduation fee currently?
I would also like to know.
Please tell me where to find a rundown of all fees and how do I assure that I will be provided a service if I pay?
You have to look at student testimonies to know how reliable we are.
Pleas send an ‘initial application’ and fees and other details will be sent to you.
How is it possible to go in for dual program (integrated programs): Master + PhD, Dsc, DrAp…
i have applied for MTh and eagerly await your response.Also may i know if a few apologetics units are included in it.Thank you and may God bless TGSAT
To all commentors above Trinity is above board. I have done several degree programs and the courses study material is superior to other Seminaries where I have studied. However the workload and academic standards are very high, the courses are free for students from developing countries but be warned you will earn your degree through hard work.
What went wrong with my final application? It is better I know what is going on. Since August 7,2014?
Comments section of a website is not the place for official inquiries!!
Any email to contact?
Dear Dr Philip,
I have tried to register in 2010 and got only an automatic mail I tried again twice last month with same result, I followed instruction saying if I have no confirmation in 72 hours I have to send an e-mail, I sent 2 e-mails but still no answer, can you check my case please?
John V. Ilunga
Since I started my studies in July, I have found valuable material that I think will help me defend our faith. Keep up the good work!
I am about half way through the DrAPOL program and have been quite pleased. The program is thoroughly evangelical and is covering the areas of apologetics in which I am interested. I would recommend the program for anyone interested in the field of apologetics.
Trinity courses are up to date. The learning is also very rigorous. You need to put in reasonable time to be able to meet up with the years of study. Structure your own time table of how you will go about your study. Try and give a minimum of 2 hrs daily – note that when you enroll, you decided to be a student. Therefore, you have to give quality time for your studies. This means you are no longer free with your time as before. Your time will now have to prioritize to meet up with your studies, work, Church activities and your family. If you are also engaged with some other things, then you need to divide your time among all you activities for each day.
Remain Blessed.
Rev’d. Dr. Solomon Ediriverere Esomu.
Trinity courses are up to date. The learning is also very rigorous. You need to put in reasonable time to be able to meet up with the years of study. Structure your own time table of how you will go about your study. Try and give a minimum of 2 hrs daily – note that when you enroll, you decided to be a student. Therefore, you have to give quality time for your studies. This means you are no longer free with your time as before. Your time will now have to be prioritize to meet up with your studies, work, Church activities and your family. If you are also engaged with some other things, then you need to divide your time among all you activities for each day.
Remain Blessed.
Rev’d. Dr. Solomon Ediriverere Esomu.
Is the restructuring of courses completed? if not , when exactly will it be completed ?
Two more weeks!!
In fact Trinity is the best among the rest, but you have to earn your Degree the way. The quality and the volume of books you are exposed to at Trinity is second to none.
Right in Ghana I received my Bachelor of Theology certificate and Transcript through a courier service. Recently completed my Masters in Religious Educate (MRE) and Im currently doing my Doctorate in Theology and Im just enjoying the books, so insightful and thought provoking.
GOD BLESS YOU DR. PHILIP AND DR. CHERIAN for this godly work you are doing for offering
us free thelogical education. We are grateful.
When will the restructuring of courses be completed?
By Dec end, 2014
If you are looking for sound Theological/Apologetics training and you want to be able to study on your own time, then the TGSAT is my recommendation to you. When I decided to do personal research in theology, what I was looking for was some guidance and to be directed in the correct direction and I haven’t had any disappointments. I’m especially thankful for the material provided by TGSAT, they surpassed my expectation. I’m impressed with the work and effort displayed by Dr. Philip & Dr. Saneesh
I thank God for TGSAT.
Sir, how can i use the twitter? If not i have created the my twitter.
How to make my friends subscribe the mailing list?
please reply
Full details are already there on the website. Each course listed there is around 2 to 3 credit hours
I’m a doctor (MBBS) presently based in New Delhi, India. I want to pursue a course here in Trinity…for enriching my knowledge about God and His Words. But I’m at a lose on which one to go first. I’m from a Christian family. Please help me choose the most appropriate course. Thanks
TGSAT programs are conent-heavy, and therefore we suggest that you choose MBS, the lightest of them all
Really the MBS is not light if according to you the MBS is light then i’ll abort my plans for a doctrate.Just kidding I beleive all courses are benneficial if you’ll consider first your intentions.I printed out the books(courses)and in the midst of illness and other challenges I beleive have made the right choice.Am doing an MBS because its suits my area of ministry I believe that should be the reason for any choice of program at TRINITY.
I am looking for a link to subscribe/join the prayer bulletin.However,I didn’t any link.I also don’t see any login button on the website.Please help.
I would like to know, if there is a particular denomination or faith belief that “Trinity College of Theology” comes under. What are there theological views in terms of the following;
(1) Total Depravity. (2) Limited Atonement. (3) Unconditional Election. (4) Irresistable Grace . (5) The Perseverance of the Saints
Kindly email ur reply to “”
It would be very helpful to make a choice.
Our statement of faith is given in brief and also in detail in Student handbook online
Hello just applied to Trinity but seeing comments here. Would love to really learn from the school
I received an email from your main Pastor ‘Pastorbbraoaggwmin’ via Zorpia. It will not click, so I cant get his message.
By the way, our Bible College in Australia, has been offering free tuition now for almost 15 years, without any registration fees. We are also completely independent too! Perhaps we can run some of your courses here in Australia? Your website does not say how much your registration fee is?
This is a reminder to an email I sent on 19th May 2015 regarding admission to MBS. I still haven’t received the course materials for download. I have submitted the final application & the names of three friends who submitted their initial applications. Hoping for an early response. Thanks.
Dear Sir,I wanted to learn the DDiv program for a long time now but it appears that this program is inactive .when will this program be active? Thanks!
It will be offered in about 3 months
Hi I have applied to take the Bmin course and have not heard anything yet. Can you please contact me with more info on what needs to be done and what the one time fee is . Thanks and have a blessed day
There will be no change in fees in future!
For those who wanted to know about the courses offered here, i would like to assure you that they are upto date and very relevant to the current times!the school’s faith statement also makes you know without doubt that they are spiritually sound with no any denominational affiliation, concerned with Bible truth matters only.
These courses are information rich, organized and expressed in a very readable manner. However, do not take them lightly or for granted. They are writing and research intensive and so you must work hard to earn your grades and degrees. Stay at your studies regularly and keep on writing! They are writing intensive, which is wonderful for organizing and clarifying your thoughts! Before you know it, your courses have changed your life! (For the better! 🙂 )
Dear Sir,
Please I need assistance,
Isaac was about 35 years old when the father wanted to scarified him, Please where can I find the supporting bible quotation or any document to proved.
you will not find such an excellent program in the U. S.
God has definitely blessed Trinity!
which courses do someone has to choose to study biblical languages?
We do not offer programs in biblical languages
Please I have been trying to get accross to the school how do I do that God bless
Please send an online application
Approximately how many pages of reading are required per doctoral course module? Regards Gary
Approximately how many pages of reading are required per doctoral course module?
Approximately 100 to 500, but in some subjects it can be more than 500 pages per course module
Have applied for the Bachelor of theology long ago but have not received any replies. Have made all the requirements and had the initial acceptance but after that nothing. Please look into it for me. Thank you.
how can i start my Bahelors in theology ,have done my application but very serious with the studies,help.
Please I have applied for the ThD course for more than four days ago. The correspont I had was that after four day if I do not hear anything from the school; I should write back to them.
I have not heard from the school yet . I am therefore writing to your office to verify whether my application have been accepted.
I think I could use a little guidance in what is the right path for me as far as which program to take. I am thrilled to learn of your program. Is it possible to obtain someones assistance?
Thank you
Rita Hawkins
I am very excited to pursue an PGDA with Trinity. I have just submitted my initial application and hope to hear a response soon! I’m ready to get started! Thank you so much for offering such an amazing program. God bless you all!
I am curious about the MMin course. Is it available to take? I noticed the BMin course has information listed but not the MMin one. If it is not yet available please let me know when it will be. Thanks.
Happy new year, greeting in risen Lord Jesus Christ! I have applied in Trinity 2014 up to now no response.Looking forward to hear from you.thanks Godbless
Please help me enroll in the Doctor of Apologetics please!
How do I pay my registration fee?
Info is given on receiving Final Application from students
any e-mail address to contact in case one to ask
I would like to take up this online B.Th course. I am born again christian, working mother of two, would like to know more about bible, also would like to do the children ministry. Please help me to know more about the course.
I applied through ISDET. Is this the all the same school or a different division? I am wanting to further my biblical education in a way that Honors our Lord by studying sound doctrine material.
ISDET and TGSAT are different, but they merged with each other recently to serve students better.
Courses offered by TGSAT/ISDET are of to match to any,you will get full understanding of Christian doctrine and foundation for the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear sir i want to do bth course what is the process can you pls send details to my email iam from west godavari andhrapradesh.
First I want to say thanks, that You accept me and to give the chance to learn the program without fee. I saw all the programs offered all are good and I choose to learn the DDiv program
God bless you
what is a module in this course?
It’s simply too good to be true but true. I am underway, diving into relatively unfamiliar ground and in-depth issues in theology and apologetics which is so essential to Christianity in this hostile postmodern period. Well done TGSAT, your initiative to offer cheap and free studies definitely glorifies God and is an honor the local churches.
The complexion of Christian Apologetic and Theology on the African continent and other developing areas will certainly have a huge facelift and lap forward because of the existence and policies of TGSAT/ISDET. What is offered is sound biblical grounding with no apologies.
The greatest need of the postmodern church in terms of a stabilizer can meaningfully be found in integrated Christian apologetics and a sound theology is the specialty of TGSAT/lSDET which offers such generously.
Right on!
Dear Dr. Philip, I have tried to contact you through return email to trinity but the internet tells me it will not forward to you and I have also tried to contact you through your gmail account which I will continue to do. I have remitted my registration fees and am anxiously awaiting to start my studies for the Dr. of Apologetics degree but have yet to receive an internet link for the textbooks. Could you please tell me when I can expect to receive it.
In Christ,
Bertrand C. Smith
Dear Dr. Philip, I have tried to contact you through return email to trinity but the internet tells me it will not forward to you and I have also tried to contact you through your gmail account which I will continue to do. I have remitted my registration fees and am anxiously awaiting to start my studies for the Dr. of Apologetics degree but have yet to receive an internet link for the textbooks. Could you please tell me when I can expect to receive it. Hope to receive it soon.
In Christ,
Bertrand C. Smith
After three plus years of study with TGSAT, I remain convinced that this institution and the courses which it offers, are helping to prepare Christian believers for apologetics and theological related areas of service for which God has prepared and/or is further preparing them.
Needing a teacher from trinity to whatsapp me please 0848962874
What a harvest of exceptional theology and unique apologetics I have been initiated into TGSAT is the provider. Thanks for offering this to me not cheaply but freely.
I am grateful to TGSAT for the opportunity to study God’s word free of charge. I am currently studying a few programs with TGSAT and my favorite is currently the Master of Biblical Archaeology. It is helping me to see the Bible in a new light. Thank you TGSAT for this wonderful opportunity.
I’m really happy to give comment about TGSAT. I started my study in TGSAT in 2012. I completed my BTh and MTh, and half way on my MBArch. The course arrangement and the content of all the courses is rich in theological insights and depth. The special concentration of the school toward apologetics is another most attractive and interesting part of the courses of TGSAT. I get the opportunity to study in different online and distance theology colleges, universities, seminaries, schools and institutes; but I can surely testify that the theological depth and sharpness of the courses from TGSAT is unquestionable.
God bless TGSAT, all the staffs and students from different countries of the world.
In Christ yours,
Biniyam Fikadu Geleta
From Ethiopia
I Wish to enroll for PhD in Theology in Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology . I have M.Th in Theology [from Gurukul Lutheran Theological College ] & M.Sc Psychology [from Tamil Nadu Open University].
I would like to have procedures for admission in PhD from TGSAT. So I request you to send me all the details and fee structures .
Yours in Christ.
Complete details and application form are available on this website. Please check the menu
TGSAT is worth its salts and not just a decorated emblem. I just finished the first five assignments and particularly loved them all, but the mind manipulation and mind control lesson were a nugget everybody must in these postmodern times.
TGSAT is worth its salt and not just a decorated emblem. I just finished the first five assignments and particularly loved them all, but the mind manipulation and mind control lesson were a nugget everybody must have in these postmodern times.
TGSAT is the capital and grandest institution for Theological, Apologetics, and Polemics studies l have ever tasted. The chiefest knowledge is acquired by studying with them, tarry no longer enroll and you will note that for yourself. Thank you TGSAT for offing it freely to third world students it is a huge blessing.
I am interested in a MMin degree. How do I get started?
Please read the various items listed and then please send an online application
Dear Admin (TGSAT),
I do really want to do a D.Min research course from TGSAT. I have applied so many times for this course but I am not yet getting any reply from the admin. Please tell me how to do it. Thanking you
Admissions for Indians are over till the end of 2020. It will open in 2021 and you are welcome to apply at that time.
Please send your request for admission to one if the three or all three, please let Dr Philip know that I advised you to do so.
Sam Shavers Jr.,Th.D Candidate
Provost Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology Baton Rouge LA USA Branch
I have already applied under poor countries was waiting for the two people i had introduced who have also applied.
There names are Cephas Simfukwe and Evans K Mwanda.You can check your database you will see these names.
Expect a reply today itself
This information I am receiving is indeed mouth watering, thank you Dr.
A question please, can my 18years working experience as a volunteer and as a Church planting field Missionary be converted into an academic credit?
We can give you a few credits after proper examination
It took me a little longer to study than the standard two years, but I recently finished the MDIV program in 3 years time. I will always cherish this season in my life. Unpacking the modules at my own pace was wonderful. I often sensed the Holy Spirit guiding me as I studied.
Tinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology (TGSAT)
TGSAT is the best place for the best for sound theological education. I have completed my Bachelor of Theology (BTh) and Masters of Theology (MTh) in TGSAT. The courses are strongly grounded on Scripture.
After studying in TGSAT my perspective and view point toward things completely changed. I became a good writter and even completed one commentary and critical summary of a book in Amharic (my native language). I’m currently writing two books one in English another in Amaric. This is all because of a qualified education of TGSAT. In addition, TGSAT offers courses all with self-pace and writing apologeics and theology courses; this upgrades the critical thinking and writing skill of any one who study deligently in TGSAT. Finally, I would like to write about something the richness of the course materials: the arrangement, content, lingustical simplicity, reasonable and scientifically guided arguments, …. Beside all it is free and accessible for everyone.
Hey! What are you waiting for? Join TGSAT and become a theologian and a good writer.
God bless TGSAT!
What a unique institute TGSAT, with some of the best teaching minds grooming other believers to soaring heights of in doctrine and practice. May the Lord bless all the staff members.
Thanks to God for divinely connecting me TGSAT,and thanks to TGSAT leadership for allowing me be part of this wonderful. Life a transforming program. TGSAT OFFERS the best online study program. I am blessed to be among TGSAT Students. The study materials are very excellent!
I’m ThD and DrApol Student. Thanks God for TGSAT and all the devouted staff. I just finished the first one course of DrApol and two courses of ThD. While I’m taking this courses I have learned that my writing and critical thinking skills are highly improved. This is how God used TGSAT to equip people with tuition free quality education.
God bless TGSAT!
TGSAT is simply an awesome place to be! I’m amazed at the kind of quality education that is given out of for free! This can only come from hearts that have been transformed by God’s love. God bless TGSAT, Dr Philip and all the other blessed folks involved!
I have only been a student for 2 months and I have learned so much. This college is wonderful. As a student you learn at your own pace. I love that type of schedule. The information is very informative. If you are seeking for a school please do not pass this one up. This school is Calvinistic in its soteriology and dispensational in its eschatology.
As a graduate of TGSAT I value the education that I received. This seminary has widened my horizons and taught me to be more critical in my thinking. If asked where to go to get a valued education, I would highly reccommend TGSAT.
TGSAT is second to none when it comes to sound, correct, rich, right and pure theological training. As a student from MDiv to DMin here, now I recommend TGSAT to any one who wants to follow theological and Apologetics online training. I found TGSAT as the best school that meets correctly and thoroughly the Christian evangelical challenges of the 21st Century.
I continue to be encouraged by the quality of the TGSAT course material and the leadership of Johnson C. Philip and Dr. Saneesh Cherian. As I draw relatively near to the conclusion of my ThD studies I will have no hesitation in commencing with a further program of study with TGSAT.
The TGSAT and ISDET are definitely among the best God-given qualitative institutes. It’s amazing that students are grilled with first class courses which are tucked in a brief schedule to gender sharp diagnosis of the essentially rich topics. One cannot go wrong by tasting these waters with both legs as they are so inviting and pure lessons in these oceans. Enroll and will be grey haired with wisdom acquired from their expertise.
I am following MRE(MASTERS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION) thanks to TGSAT for this rich-full textbook and well designed programs I am being renewed and inspired by this program God bless you so much as surely will reward your work toward body of Christ members.
Really, hands were made to work!
I really thank God for giving the good will to administrators of the Trinity School of Apologetics and Theology to offer a Tuition Free Higher Theological training to millions of Christians around the World.May the Lord open the doors for this Institute.
God bless you.
Pastor Carlos Essuka Likoma
From DRC
It’s great to study here again. Since 2009 I have known TGSAT and read many of their free articles on apologetics. Friends am glad to tell you that the knowledge gained here marked a major turn around in my life. Am now the proprietor of schools, a pastor of a church, author of several life transforming books, facilitating students and youths seminars to avoid mind manipulation by circumstances surrounding them and much more. I say this not to impress you but to encourage someone that you are on the right track. Don’t just study for the degree but for absorbing the rich transforming content of every module. There is no limit to which the knowledge gained here can take you. Love you all.
Thank you Dr. Johnson Philip and the other faculty member.
Understanding the criticism against the gospel has helped in the last i was able to start up a class in which we share about the challenges to christian faith together with my pastors and introducing christian apologetics to them was amazing welcomed and agreed to share this with the church committee.TGSAT has made me open up to these with our leadership,feel free to join for free and your life shall be blessed.
As I draw relatively near to the conclusion of the TGSAT Th.D. programme, I am pleased to inform readers that I am a candidate for the TGSAT Ph.D programme. This is a venture that I would not entertain, (which could involve four plus years of rigorous academic research and writing), if I was not convinced with respect to TGSAT and its: commitment to the orthodox Christian faith, the Christian character of Drs. Philip and Cherian, the academic rigour expected from all students, the implementation of Christian values and the quality of all TGSAT academic programmes. Therefore please allow me to recommend TGSAT, as you prayerfully consider the next phase of your Christian academic education.
Sometimes when people see impossibility, You be at the positive and possible side. Years back when I was struggling to obtain free sound theological knowledge, my colleagues told me there’s nothing like free sound theological seminary anywhere now. But to my greatest surprise I will soon graduate from Trinity graduate school of Apologetics and theology free of charge. There is a wonderful experience here in Trinity and the courses are so rich. My expectations of what to study are met here in Trinity. I can boldly say I’m set for any degree of ministry.
Thank you Trinity.
It is really a great opportunity and previlage to be the part of TGSAT family. It is not only about the cost of the course but the quality and the content of each course is beyond expression. God bless you all!
In Christ yours,
Biniyam Fikdu (Doctorate of Apologetics and ThD Student)
I have been enjoying the course material provided for the course Pseudoepigrapha. The book is really amazing and its contents are arranged with a scholarly hands. It contains each and every detail of those books strength and weakness. I would like to invite people to join TGSAT family and enjoy such a blessing.
Im Christ yours,
Biniyam Fikadu (Doctorate of Apologetics and ThD student)
What an amazing biblical journey TGSAT offers. There are very potholes in a students travel unlike other institutions, try it now, you will never regret it.
As a new DBS student with TGSAT, I find the start of my learning to be extremely informative and entertaining. I am enjoying this amazing journey of learning Biblical knowledge; and if it wasn’t for what this school offers, this opportunity would not have been available for me.
I appreciate the good work you are doing on this platform and I know all what you do is by the grace of God.
I submitted an application for BTh about a month ago and I haven’t yet received any feedback. I would like to draw your attention to this situation and will like to know how to proceed.
Thanks for your kind consideration to look into my case.
Please check your inbox
Hello sir, i checked my inbox as well as my spam folder but didn’t see the application confirmation. Please help rectify this situation. I really desire to start learning. Should re-apply or wait for the confirmation of the first application i submitted?
Thanks for your timely response.
l joined pwani Bible institute in Mombasa Kenya in 1988-1992 where l took 4years studies in Bible and Pastoral Ministries Diploma, l later joined vision Christian college in 1998-2000 where l graduated with a bachelor’s degree in theological studies.kindly l request you to offer me this chance to do master’s degree.
Please send an online application
Good day,
I am making a follow up on my application to Trinity College that I submitted online on the 2nd of May 2020. I still haven’t gotten any response.
Please wait for a day or two
What a significant travel that TGSAT has routed for me theologically. The lessons that are offered are worth centuries of knowledge. What elates me the most is that despite my low IQ, I now can attempt to critique scholars that l believed had angelic intelligence, or at least second to them. this is how brilliant this institute and its faculty this. So, since you can’t beat this, join them.
Hi Dr Philips
I applied for entry to the DBS course on 6 June 2020. May I know the outcome?
Many thanks!
This is not the place to ask official questions
Hey since I sent my intial application haven’t had from you guys. No reply at all is their some thing wrong.
During covid days it takes a bit of time
Is a bachelor’s diploma the same as a full bachelor’s degree or the bachelors diploma you offer is lower than a full bachelors degree. I don’t understand is the one you offer a diploma or a degree
It is a full and regular bachelors program
How can I excess the ebooks.
You will get detailed instructions
I write to inquire on my final admission submission I did a month past because up until now have not gotten any feedback yet. Submitted an inquiry still have not received any response from the school.
Kindly advise
During covid we have a shortage of voluntary manpower
Thank you for replying to my comment.
Still keen to hear from you on the status of my final application that I submitted back in September 2020.
Warmest regards.
I’m Looking Forward To This Course To Help Me With My Ministry
Is there any valid certificate provided
Hi, I am a pastor in Kerala, would like to enroll for B Th. I just want to know whether any certificate provided for this course
Dear sir ;
I have sent an email to you but have not received a reply from you. I hope to get an email reply from you because I am very interested in taking this online course as soon as possible.
Thank you and God bless sir.
There is always SOME delay during covid days. Please wait.
Hello how do I get access to Trinity
Sir, I got temporary admission add filled final application for DRE over two months but have not gotten your response. I apply for TGSAT but I joined but they said that I should wait for owners permission. Please can you help me to resolve the problem. I need your feedback. Thanks and remain blessed.
Please when is tuition starting in 2021.
i have applied but i am yet to receive feedback.
thank you.
Dear Dr. Johnson
It is a wonderful blessing to have you guys in the body of Christ. I would like to be one of the partakers of this grace by acquiring a bachelor of Christian ministry; in turn spreading this good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to the multitude out there. I sent an electronic application as per guidelines, and issued a reminder email a few days later, but i have not received any feedback so far. I will be glad to find my application meeting your consideration.
Greetings from India disciples church of India
Sir I am in the ministry since 1994 in diffrent kind of ministries expirences I have .
I also did PGDHRM
and BTh
And otgr diplomas
So sir I want to do my PhD
Sir please send me the details how to get involved for my higher education.
Yours sincerely
Archbishop vinod kumar tyagi
Disciples church of India
I am interested to join BTH program
Please provide all details how I enrolled in this program .
If you remain interested in studying with TGSAT, please contact the office.
I am interested in Dr degree pastoring or any degree please send it to my mail Adam Ndaura p.o 1541 Okahandja Namibia Namibia Africa,
Please use this address is the accurate one, send me the aplication form and your email address thank you
Is it possible to do the course with a mobile device, say a smart phone?
Also could some kindly share a sample picture of a Trinity Certificate?
God bless.
Yes, if you can lead long text on mobile
Greetings Kochi_Admin 2013
It’s now over a year since I sent through my final application but upto now have not received any information regarding the same,
kindly advise on the next step to take.
Warmest regards.
From Zambia
Without sounding superficial may l simply say that TGSAT makes Biblical or theological learning what it ought to be!
I Would like to enroll in the bth course to know more about jesus and his word. plese contact with the further process on 9182129744
I have been trying to each Trinity but no response. Please what do I do??
How much is the fee to pay?
Please send a no-obligation application and full details will be sent to you if you qualify
This is a good school. I would like to apply for online free degree course in Bible Theology.
Thank you for your help!
I just recently completed my PGDA program last June 2023. Right now, I am studying on the Master’s in Biblical Archaeology program with my first 5 assignments I got all A’s grades. I am asking TGSAT if I can also study at the same time DBS program with my MBA program. Rare of kind Theological Seminary this TGSAT and its very Godly and very scholarly mentors led by Dr Johnson Phillip and Dr Saneesh Cherian.
Dear Pastor
Greetings to you in Jesus name
I have been praying for doors to open for me so that I may complete my Doctorate in Biblical studies.I have been searching now for 3-4 years any good online platform that I may continue to learn.But again of no hope.Since I come from family that is struggling financially.I couldn’t join a university due to high fees structure.I am from Cherrapunji Meghalaya India.I belong to khasi tribe.By God grace after i completed my M.Sc and MABS i started a Bible training centre in my village and it has become a blessing and opportunities for many students especially those who comes from struggling family.Therefore due to this responsibility I have the desire to complete my Doctorate in Biblical studies.Will you please help me pastor.Would you come forward to extend helping hand that I may studies further.I will be praying and wait from you .
Thank you
Regards Jied
God bless you all