By January 12, 2006 3 Comments Read More →

Resisting Mind Manipulation, Lesson 08

Resisting Mind Manipulation, Lesson 08
Trinity Graduate Level Courses In Theology And Apologetics

Saul, A Rejected King

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He also has rejected you from being king.” (1st Samuel 15:23)

No matter where we may roam throughout the Bible we will come across rebellion and disobedience. Saul considered the first king of the People of Israel found himself rejected by God as king. It is certain that we have read where chosen vessels of God, like Moses (the true first king of the Israelites according to Deuteronomy 33:4-5) and David, the successor of Saul (a man after God’s own heart, 1st Samuel 13:14) have done wrong and committed awful sins, but in Saul’s case, he not only sinned against God but he rejected God’s word.

Moses and David were both flawed men, but very much in tuned with God’s will. Saul behaved like kings of other nations who worshiped idols and knew not the Lord. It was the pride of life that destroyed Saul and made him an enemy of God. If we look at Saul’s demonic-driven track record it would read accordingly: he assumed a priestly role and offered sacrifices before battle, breaking the Lord’s commandment that Samuel would make such an offering; he made a foolish oath, cursing any soldier who ate before he had taken vengeance on his enemies, proven that it was his battle and not the Lord‘s; he did not completely destroyed Agag as God instructed; he attempted to kill David many times; he was overcome by fear and evil spirits that tortured him; he ordered that the priests of Nob be killed; he visited a witch; he grew mad and committed suicide.

Surely, Saul was possessed by demons, for his behavior was very much contrary to God. Perhaps, Saul attempted to be the king that the Lord desired him to be, he had potential. However, Saul missed it through his willful acts of disobedience. God knew Saul’s heart [mind] and it was filled with desperation and wickedness. What is more, Saul was the people’s choice. God allowed the Israelites to have precisely what they wanted, a tall and handsome king who looked the part, but had not the heart.

Jezebel Must Die

“And concerning Jezebel the Lord also spoke, saying ‘The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.’” (1st Kings 21:23)

Perhaps this section is more about the spirit of Jezebel than it is about Ahab and his wicked wife, Jezebel. Jezebel was a pagan princess Ahab married because of political reasons. Ahab, the most evil king of Israel, knew the God of Israel but under the influence of Jezebel, he chose to serve and worship the pagan god Baal. Even the influence of the prophet Elijah was no match for the power of Jezebel over her husband. Any evil that close and personal will surely consume the mightiest of men.

Although the story of Ahab and Jezebel rests in the midst of First and Second Kings, the spirit of Jezebel still lives today. Many Christians, like Ahab know God, but serve him halfheartedly. They are double-minded and susceptible to temptation. The Jezebel spirit, being a rebellious spirit is that little push that carries the Christian beyond their boundaries “A little leaven leavens the whole lump” (Galatians 5:9); that is to say, a little evil corrupts the whole man. The Jezebel spirit, created by Satan is designed to destroy humankind. As ferocious and blood thirsty as Jezebel was during the Old Testament, she is even the more today for the Saints. The Jezebel spirit is just another trick of the enemy and another mind-manipulating tactic to induce Christians to break barriers and cross boundaries. The

Jezebel spirit is seductive, brazen and incredibly persuasive in the expansion of the Christian’s desires, needs and expectations (Philips, 015, pp.11-12); this is why the Jezebel spirit in all of us must die.

The Job Experiment

“Then the Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?’” (Job 1:8)

Job is a book of triumph, faith and deliverance. Most importantly, it is a book that teaches Christians today, trials and tests are permitted for our own good. Romans 8:28 declares that all things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. No matter what a Christian may go through, rest assure, if they remain faithful, God will deliver them and they will triumph. God is constantly shaping us, molding us, purifying us to perfection, for He who has begun a good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ, (Philippians 1:6).

Mature Christians understand this view. They do not blame God or cry “woes me.” They look tragedy and temptation squarely in the eyes and declare them to be defeated. Although Jobs situation was a little different, and his test was whether he would curse God because of his circumstances, Job remained faithful. Through poor advice from friends, a trifling wife and a painful physical affliction, Job remained steadfast in his faith and love toward God.

Perhaps like many Christians, the character of Job adorn the attributes of a righteous man: “…blameless and upright…feared God and shunned evil”( Job 1:1). He exemplified the epitome of a Christian: imperfect, with perfected faith. Many who read Job have questioned why would God allow this to happen to such a good man? The

answer lies within 1st Corinthians 10:6, “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.” Those who were around Job did little to encourage him. They provided poor counsel, misguidance and were used by Satan to continuously be thorns in Job’s side while he went through this ordeal. It was not that Job sinned, but it was that God wanted to make Job an example for generations to come. How many of us being used by Satan have accused the afflicted of being sinful or in sin? How many of us withdrew hope from what looked like an already hopeless situation? How many of us, Christians represented Job’s wife or his friends during a trial or test of a brother or sister-in-Christ?

Satan was being used to work out God’s plan. It seems as if God was pushing Job onto the attacks of the Accuser, not once, but twice. In actuality, this displayed God’s confidence in Job’s faith. Does God have the same confidence in you? In verses 1:8 and 2:3 the Lord said to Satan “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth…one who fears God and shuns evil?” With great certainty, Satan tried to attack Job before, but his response was, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side?” (Job 1:9, NKJV).

In others words, Satan was saying he could not penetrate through God’s protection. Also, Satan wanted to prove that Job (representing human nature) served God for selfish reasons, thus the question: “Does Job fear God for nothing?” So God allowed Satan to destroy Job’s livestock, his servants and his children. Job was devastated. He tore his clothes, shaved his head and blessed the name of the Lord anyway: “In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong”( Job 1:22, NKJV).

Satan returned to God daring that if God would allow him to afflict Job’s body, that Job would curse God to his face. Satan struck Job with painful boils from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Although Job was perplexed, wanting God to reveal to him what sin he had committed so that he may atone for it; Job remained faithful. Satan could not manipulate the mind of Job. In the midst of confusion and tragedy, Job kept his mind on the Lord. He gave no credit to the devil and he refuse to accuse God. Because of this, God restored the subject Job in this experiment and He indeed gave Job twice as much as he had before.

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Resisting Mind Manipulation, Lesson 08
Trinity Graduate Level Courses In Theology And Apologetics

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3 Comments on "Resisting Mind Manipulation, Lesson 08"

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  1. Iam interested in your free courses but I could not understand very well how I could become a student. I am a christian School teacher at a Junior community School(13 to 16 years). please guide me.

  2. lucia Harry says:

    may our faith in God be as strong as Job.
    May God help and give each one of us christians strength to serve Him in honesty

  3. de dingen in de hemelsegewesten kan je doorzien
    en overwinnen.Christus heb gewonnen,Hij overwon de dood. Satan probeer je te verleiden,maar blijf bouwen op de Heer.Hij geef je zijn Heilige geest en bijbel,gebed overwin.

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