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Dr. Philip serves as the President [Principal] and Liaison for International Students of Trinity School Of Apologetics. He is the seniormost Christian Apologist in India today. He obtained his BSc (1976), MSc Cum Laude (1978) and PhD Summa Cum Laude (1991) in Physics from The School of Advanced Studies, Jiwaji University in Gwalior, India.
Picture: Dr. Philip with the Tunneling Electron Microscope in the Department of Advanced Studies and Research at the Jiwaji University in Gwalior in 2008 March
He studied theology with the Lurther Rice Seminary, ICI Belgium, and Asian Christian Academy India, and obtained his MTh [1981] and ThD [1984] in Christian Apologetics from International Theological Seminary [India Extension]. He obtained a DSc in Alternative Medicine in 2003 from Medicina Alternativa and, and DNYS in Naturopthy in 2004. In addition, he is at present working on a Th D in Polemics (Cults) and a PhD in Biblical Archeology.
He has authored more than 60 book in theology, apologetics, counseling, physics, and computer science. In addition, he is the author of more than 4000 published articles and research papers. He has published in the fields of theology, apologetics, counseling, physics, electronics, information technology, library science, and many others. His writings have been translated into more than 12 languages. He has traveled and lectured widely in two dozen countries. More than 1,000,000 copies of his free ebooks are downloaded worldwide per year .
He has many firsts to his credit both in the field of physics as well as in the field of theology. He is also the Chief Editor of the Ryrie Study Bible in Hindi language and also of Ryrie’s Systematic Theology in Hindi. These two works took 10 years and a team of almost 20 translators to complete the work in Hindi. The Systematic Theology is now available for $14 and the Ryrie Study Bible in Hindi is about to be printed in Japan.
Dr. Philip, incidentally, is also the author of India’s first systematic theology as well as Christian Apologetics, both in the Malayalam language. He is a polyglot. The Systematic Theology is 800 pages, and the textbook on Apologetics is 800 pages of A4 size. He is also the Chief Editor of International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 4 volumes, in the Malayalam language, and the New Dictionary of Theology in the the Malayalam language. His systematic theology had a print run three times the normal, and yet all the copies were sold out in less than 3 months, leading to a copy getting auctioned among the interested. The single copy fetched 300,000 units in the Indian currency, and was donated to help educate poor girls in India.
He is also an editor of Trinity Journal of Apologetics and Theology (online) and Insight India (print). He is also the most prolific Christian writer and book-reviewer in Asia.
Dr. Philip,
I humbly write you. I have asked for an extension in the past to complete my masters program. I’m sorry to say I have not started it. I offer no reason, for no matter what I say it would be nothing but an excuse. It would be easy for me just to let everything go. However, I have prayed about this, asking God sincerely if this is his wish. His answer is solid. I must go forward. I understand this will cost me to start again, but it is what I must do.
Yours in Christ,
Ed Schwass III
129 Elaine St
Hot Springs, AR 71913
Dear Dr. Philips,
I would like to enroll in a master program apologetics. Im a traditional Catholic and have studied the H. scriptures for many yrs. But have no degrees in it. My favorite subjects are apologetics and creationism.
I m 39 yrs old but enfortunately not rich. I lost my job due to the financial crisis. And therefore I do hope the courses will not cost soo much.
Here find a few questions:
1. How long does it take to finish a study program Mastersdegee?
2. Are there online exams to perform?
3. Will the exams be corrected and send back to me with the correcct answers?
4. After completion, will a masters degree be sent to me by post or by email?
5. What will be the cost?
6. Should I first need to get a BA before enrooling into a master program this will be of no problem for me.
Please find herewith my address
Luc Feliers
Herlinckhove 11
9450 Denderhoutem
Tel ++32 54 34 24 96
email feliersluc@yahoo.co.jp
Wow!! This is quite a profile…. By God’s grace all is possible. I hope to follow in your footsteps though at a very great distance!! Hope my Doctorate application or masters pulls through. I am impressed by the trinity Faculty, they seem seasoned people, everyone of them…
Good Wonderful Sunday Dr./Pastor Phillip:
This is a quick follow-up regarding my “Doctorate of Ministry” thesis I sent to you on September 23, 2009 via U.S. mail. Could you please let me know if you have received my 3-part ministry book.
Also, please feel free to journey to my website at http://www.protocolofthepalace.com to view the beginning of this Human/Saint Resources Management AND Church Team development ministry.
In His Majesty’s Love And Service,
Sis Donnalakshmi Selvaraj
Transformational Ministry Consultant
Doctorate Of Ministry Candidate
[Author, Protocol Of The Palace]
(916) 591-0048/cell [USA]
P.S. I am also including a website that has FREE SHIPPING to India if your heart is Spirit-led to share my website with other Saints in India – AMEN.
What a wonderful day for you Dr.Johnson Philip.I had been in the way to my post graduate studies, Doctor in Religious Education. This school become a great blessing to me, to pursue my another Doctorate, all I can say is thank you very much, currently I’m enjoyed studying the subject material that you have handed down to me.
I would lik to share with you my school website as well as my Church. Feel free to link these to another websites
http://arcteduc7.webs.com Thank you and may the Lord will bless you and your family.
please contact me at the above mentioned e-mail address.
muweesi charles
makerere university
Howdy. Very first I want to say that I genuinely like your webpage, just determined it last week but I’ve been following it sometimes since then.
I seem to come to an agreement with most of your respective thinkings and opinions and this post is no different.
Thank you for a excellent blog and I hope you hold up the beneficial work. If you do I will continue to checked out it.
Have a wonderful evening.
Dear Dr. PHillips,
I humbly write to you to let me join your ThD program.
Currently I hold a bachelor degree in engineering and two Masters degree, one in Information Systems from UNSW Sydney, and one in Missiology.
Professionally I work as a consultant in civil engineering and as lecturer in IS.
Additionally, for the past 9 yrs I have also been a lecture in a bibble collage in Batam Indonesia.
I have been planning to extend my theological degree to ThD as I plan to be a fulltime bible lecture in the future. I have wrote 2 books and nationally accepted in Indonesia.
I will be honored to hear something from you.
Sincerely Yoursn,
Christian Robirosa
Daniel Marsh
6539 Linville drive
Brighton, MI 48116-9531 USA
Dear Dr. Johnson C. Philip, may I have any or all of the listed books of yours, free of charge, please. I am unemployed due to unpaid care giving responsibilities and due to health challenges. I love studying God’s word and apologetics, witnessing.
Historical Apologetics, Philip Communications, 1986
The Canon Of The Bible, Philip Communications, 1986
Revelation And The Pagans, Philip Communications, 1987
Bible Difficulties, Philip Communications, 1987
Errors of Bible Interpretation, Philip Communications, 1987
Logic And Fallacies, Philip Communications, 1988
Resisting Propaganda Techniques, Philip Communications, 1988
Resisting Mind Manipulation Techniques, Philip Communications, 1988
Analysis of Debating Techniques, Philip Communications, 1988
Importance Of Biblical Archeology, CRG, 2005
Biblical Archeology And Historical Apologetics, CRG, 2005
How To Prepare To Become An Apologist, Calvin Research Group, 2006
Introduction To Tools Of Integrated Apologetics, Calvin Research Group, 2006
Things Which A Christian Apologist Should Avoid, Calvin Research Group, 2006
Thank you for praying
Daniel Marsh
I am from Tanzania one of the poor
developing country in Africa,
With the bellowed ten (10) Christian friends who have join Trinity mailing-list for receiving your free eBooks and free CD offers. Through ww.IICET.Com
I am therefore requesting the office to immediately send me the full and complete download information about BTH textbooks to begin my course
1 MIYUMO DANIEL TANZANIA simbiri@gmail.com
2 GEOPHREY ISAAC TANZANIA ogeophrey@yahoo.com
3 ROBERT AMOLLO TANZANIA yaasilahotels@yahoo.com
4 STELLA ODATT TANZANIA chitestela@yahoo.com
5 ROSE SOSPETER TANZANIA rosetirus@yahoo.com
6 NDULU MUSA TANZANIA ndulumusa@yahoo.com
7 CYNTHIA MUSHI TANZANIA mushcynthia@yahoo.co.uk
8 DAVID OBURE TANZANIA davidobure@gmail.com
9 GEORGE SYLVANUS TANZANIA georgeokolah@yahoo.com
10 SIMON MIYUMO OBOTE TANZANIA miyumosimon5@gmail.com
Yours in Christ
Arthritis in your pooch can be a huge problem that many people never even think of in older dogs.
grace and peace from God to you
I am interested in your master of theology distance learning. I am pastor of malagasy lutheran church ; I live in French. Now i search a school of theology to pursue my study. I have studied theology at Institut protestant de theologie à Paris from 2005. My problem is this: there is a teacher in this institute who prevents me from getting the bachelor degree. Now I have 170 credits, it rests 10 credits for me for the bachelor degree (180 credits). I passed at least 4 tests with this teacher but she always gave me bad note. I tried to speak with the Dean of this institute but he cannot do anything. so 5 years after my enrollement in this institute, I don’t have yet my bachelor.
solution, i decided to search another school which can recognise and validate my credits for the bachelor degree so that I may pursue the study of master.
so i ask for your requirement of credits transfer, what should i do to be able to begin the master cours in your school? I can send to you all information about me and any document you wish to know
I look forward reading from you, s
thank you in advance
in Christ
26 rue DAVIOUD
mail: rakotonirina77@yahoo.fr
Hi Dr. J.C Philips, I come from a poor family in a town called Knysna in South Africa. I have studied towards a BSc.Medical Bioscience Degree at the University of the Western Cape, but unfortunatly I had dropp out of University due to financail problems. I still have faith in God, because I know He won’t let me down. I grew up in a God Fearing Family and eccepted Lord Jesus as my saviour and Lord at an early age. I received the Holy Spirit when I was only 13 years of age. And after that my Life was never the same again.
I still have this burning passion to spread the word of God to others, and i have a hunger to study the word of God.
I want to study the depths, and I feel this is Gods calling working in my heart. i SAW an e-mail saying that students from developing countries can study for free.
I pray you to please inform me how to make use of this opportunity to study for free.
May God Bless you Hundred Fold!
I have applied on line for three times now and have not gotten a confirmation on my application.Also Dr philip, I blessed God for your life,I humbly say in my 20 years of ministerial experience, U are one of the people doing wonderfully well for God.When I come to Indis God Grace Next year, I will look for you
I have applied on line for three times now and have not gotten a confirmation on my application.Also Dr philip, I blessed God for your life,I humbly say in my 20 years of ministerial experience, U are one of the people doing wonderfully well for God.When I come to Indis God Grace Next year, I will look for you
I have applied on line for three times now and have not gotten a confirmation on my application.Also Dr philip, I blessed God for your life,I humbly say in my 20 years of ministerial experience, U are one of the people doing wonderfully well for God.When I come to India God Grace Next year, I will look for you
From Nigeria
Dr. Philip, I’m considering to join your prestigious organization, and I would like to know which the doctrinal posture of the school is. It does teach Covenantal or Dispensational Theology?
Sir,ve sent my application according to the standard but no confirmation.
From: Nigeria
Dear Sir,
Many blessings, I trust that my email finds you in abundant health and the blessings of our Lord.
I do not expect you to remember me, but we did have some considerable correspondence in the past to arrive at a study program that was presented to me from yourself that was well suited for my requirements. It was on the 10/02/08 that I submitted my application for the enrolment of your suggested study program of the MBS + DD Integrated Program. I was accepted by your committee for the program and was at the final stages of payment to initiate the study program.
Please allow me to say that you were a tremendous help in arriving at this recommendation, however, sudden unforeseen circumstances just prior to my beginning of those studies rose up, that prohibited me from continuing any further with my desires in this regard.
I have now come to the final place of being able to start those studies and would therefore like to inquire if it is at all possible to begin with this program of study? Possibly I am hoping that this program is still available for me to take on and that my enrolment forms, etc is still on record at your office?
Thank you for your valuable time and reconsideration in this matter, I look forward to your reply.
+27(0) 79 221 0933
ATT: Dr Phillips
Dear Sir,
Many blessings, I trust that my email finds you in abundant health and the blessings of our Lord.
I do not expect you to remember me, but we did have some considerable correspondence in the past to arrive at a study program that was presented to me from yourself that was well suited for my requirements. It was on the 10/02/08 that I submitted my application for the enrolment of your suggested study program of the MBS + DD Integrated Program. I was accepted by your committee for the program and was at the final stages of payment to initiate the study program.
Please allow me to say that you were a tremendous help in arriving at this recommendation, however, sudden unforeseen circumstances just prior to my beginning of those studies rose up, that prohibited me from continuing any further with my desires in this regard.
I have now come to the final place of being able to start those studies and would therefore like to inquire if it is at all possible to begin with this program of study? Possibly I am hoping that this program is still available for me to take on and that my enrolment forms, etc is still on record at your office?
Thank you for your valuable time and reconsideration in this matter, I look forward to your reply.
+27(0) 79 221 0933
Dear Dr. Philip: I trust this E-Mail finds you well. The new Trinity Web site is beautifully designed and very functional. I am writing to ask, if I may be able to take a few courses, to work toward another degree. Since we were last in touch, I was asked to be the Acting CEO and Interim Executive Director of the therapeutic school I had been working for in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA. The work has been extremely stressful because of deficits in the previous administration. However, I believe that God has called me to this position, and, I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to complete the D.Min. Counseling degree. I would like to encourage every student who may read this — to continue their studies — and, trust in the Lord for His leading, when you finish your degree — and, always. In reviewing the courses available in the degree programs, I am interested in the courses on cults. Will you kindly let me know, if I am able to apply to Trinity to study those courses ?? Thank-you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Blessings, Dr. Nancy L. Egan, Allentown, PA, USA
Dear Dr. Phillips,
I have appplied on-line but have not yet gotten a confirmation on my application. I´d like to enphasize that I have great interest in starting the theology bachelor course.
God bless you,
Fernando, Brasil.
Dear Dr Philips,
I would like to enroll in Bachelor of theology program apologetics, i hope you have got my application and i am looking forward to read you about that. i am traditionally a christian in pentecote church of Burundi and have studied different Distance Bible studies via : Manna bible course and Truth for the world but have no Degree. i am 29 years old, father of 2 children actually finishing my course in community health in early October.
Sincerely yours CIZA Bonne
P.O Box 12
Mob. +257 79 968136
E-mail: cizabonne@yahoo.fr
Dr. Philip,
Dear Dr. Philip: I hope this e-mail receives you well. I’m a 26 year old from the United States, and am looking into your honored school. I’m very interested in theology and God through his grace and ever loving mercy. I’m wondering however, I’m starting my RCIA program to become a member of the Roman Catholic Church, does the Roman Catholic faith conflict with the doctrinal statements or beliefs of this school?
Also I was reading a testimonial from a student who gave you the permission to release their thesis to those who asked for it, I’m interested in completing my PhD. I would like to have a copy of it, to use as a reference in working on my own.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank You,
Justin Boumans, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Sir or Madam:
Is it possible to by distance learning, a Graduate level degree in Christian Counseling or Christian Psychology from one of your affiliated schools
Dr. Philip,
It seems that the same problems I faced in contacting the school during my time as a student with Trinity still exist. You once asked me if you could publish my doctoral dissertation “The Necessity of a Mature Creation” on line which I agreed to. I was wondering if you could tell me whether that was ever done and if so send me the web address so I can get that to some who are requesting it.
In Christ
Dr. Tom Triggs
Dear Dr. Phillip,
Thanks for the good work you are doing for the Lord,God bless you. I applied for the master program in trinity school of theology some months ago. Although I always get your messages but I have not been able to start the program since then. I have introduced five of my friends as one of the criteria for application but I couldn’t access my course materials. I am a graduate now and I desire to start this program as soon as possible.
Thanks for the anticipated favourable reply.
Good Afternoon Dr Philip
would appreciate if this be a private communication and not publicised blog.
Have just read your paper on mind control techniques and find your research insightful. The diagramatic approach was most illuminating. One thing that may be of interest to you is that although the walls are invisible they are matter and the enemy can come with battalions of evil workers and pull them down. Now the matter of repetition to rebuild. I have difficulty finding accurate scriptures for instance memory and wonder if you have any verse that is appropriate. Also, would you say, in your research into the matter that all of the areas in the mind be specifically mentioned and fortressed individually : – and then the matter of covering with the Helmet of Salvation and guarding by the God of Peace is this sufficient to prevent reoccurrence.
would appreciate your comments, if you are able to commit a little time to an email.
with grateful thanks,
Dear Dr Johnson,
I am still awaiting a reply from the Trinity Office regarding my application. I have got six people to register for Trinity courses as stipulated under the Third World Country Application form. Please respond to my gmail address. I would like to know what has happened to my application.
Kind regards,
William Powell
This is not the place for communication. Kindly contact the office directly.
I have done a Phd proposal dissertation on : The Arguments against the Open Theism from Clark Pinnock. I need a mentor from Trinity in this area.
Josaphat Krikaidja Longa semire, Licence ou Maitrise en Theologie Pratique and DEA or Mth in Systematic Theology
I sent a Paypal payment of @350.00 two days ago. This payment is for the Master of Divinity Degree. Thank you very much and continued blessings to each of you in the Lord’s work.
dear sir,
i humbly request you to plz let me know about M.div course as i am a graduate in geography.
yours in Christ,
dear sir,
i humbly request you to plz let me know about M.div course as i am a graduate in geography.plz let me know also about person to whome shall i contact for my course in north india.
yours in Christ,
Dr Philip, Shortly after I started, approximately 1 1/2 ago, I had to ask that my program be placed on hold due to work and health problems. I am now retired and my health is better. I have a strong urging by the Lord to continue my studies. I would like to start again as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your consideration. May the Lord be with you always. /s/E F Schwass (Master of Theology/Doctorate of Apologetics programs)
Dear Dr. J. Philip
I have received your email regarding my dissertation that you are evaluationg long time ago. I concern about your final opinion. My email address: miladphilipos@gmail.com
May God bless you.
Just desire to say your article is as astonishing. The clarity in your post is simply nice and that i could assume you’re knowledgeable in this subject. Fine together with your permission let me to take hold of your RSS feed to stay updated with coming near near post. Thanks 1,000,000 and please carry on the enjoyable work.
Dear Dr. Philipo:
I can resend my dissertation “Essays on Creation” again if you request that. However, it will soon published, because I will register it. I will be happy to hearing from you. Wishing you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year.
I think i am the first student in Solomon Islands to join this program. Soon i will be the ambassador for the school in this poor country but hunger for Gods word. I pray with Gods help i will complete my program and i will be able to draw closer to God everyday. Further, with Gods help i can be a Doctor in Theology one day, God willing. Amen
DR JOHNSON I found your course so facilitating rich raw and real for Christendom please i need your urgent answer to some of my question , which I believe it will solve all my inquisitive [1] I HAVE SEND MY FINAL registration to you and am waiting to receive my letter of admissions from your ends [2]If write a project can you offer me a phd [3] how can i pay my fees [4] will you allow me to us your material to teach my student thanks and GOD Bless
Dear Dr Philip,
This week, I intend sending you a copy of my newly released book, “The Dawkins Deficiency”.
Please email me with your postal address.
Dear Dr. Philip,
I was already 50 yrs. old when I was called to pastor a small church here in Stockton, California but I have no degree in Theology and no formal training in pastoral ministry. In as much as I want to attend Seminary which I couldn’t because of my job, I opted to go into online study. Although there are so many online programs available for people like myself I still can’t afford the tuition fees. However, I did not stop searching the internet. Lo and behold —I found your site that offers free training. Truly God is good all the time. To top it all you offer Apologetics a course I’d really love to focus on even long before I was called a pastor. I hope you would really consider my case to get into your school. May God continue to use you and expand your ministry. In Christ, Cesar
Dear Dr Phillip,
Grace from God our Fahter and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and all God’s people with you. I must bless God for the great work being done by your ministry.
I am writing you now on my PhD in Theology studentship in your school. Up till now, I don’t seem to have any mentor/supervisor and this is really slowing down my work. Please, can you intervene? My thesis is supposed to be on course now. Please, help.
Many thanks and may God bless you Sir.
Donald A Odeleye PhD Ife
Sir I want to call for a change of my masters programme from MBS to Masters in Religious Studies
Thanks for your consideration sir.
Kunuyi O. Samson
The Gambia
i really want to apply to trinity does anyone know the registration fee to start the program please email me at thomas031582@gmail.com
As a student of Dr PJ I am daily feeding on a healthy diet of the written word of God and I have mentioned to thousands of conferencing young people to study with Trinity
Dear Dr Johnson C. Phillip
Sir, I have applied to take PGDA in 2007 but I did not do it due to some reasons, but I am ready to start the course this month. Should I proceed to make a fresh application or I used my former application, sir.
Please send a fresh application!
Please let me know if I can be of faculty or adviser service here in the USA. Blessings.
Dr. Philip:
As you are aware I am a graduate of Trinity’s Doctoral program in Theology and have also been an honorary faculty member for a number of years. I would like to become more active with the faculty and begin teaching. To be clear, I do not request, nor would I expect any remuneration for my teaching, I simply feel that it is something that God has compelled me to do at this time.
I would like to teach Biblical Law. I have been researching this subject for quite sometime, and I believe that this is a subject that would fit in nicely with Trinity’s current curriculum.
I can put together a course description and syllabus within the next three months, as well as prepare the reading material. I would of course, send all material to you for your perusal.
If this is the type of class that Trinity College would be interested in, please feel free to contact me at this email address – drjlkuchta@gmail.com
Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.
Dr. Jacqueline Kuchta
Dear Dr. Philip,
My names are Dr. Valentine Iheukwumere, the President of Ambassadors Theological Seminary Nigeria. Am writing to seek affiliation from your school (Trinity School). Hoping to hear from you soonest.
Thanks you.
Dr. Val. Iheukwumere
I realize you are a busy man. I have a troubling issue that no one seems to be able to help with. I was wondering if you may email me so I can ask for your Biblical guidance.
a sorrowful sinner.
Dear Sir,
I applied for a masters in theology in your noble school in December 2015, but I am yet to get a reply from the academic council beside the initial confirmation that my application was received. Please Sir, help me to turn my dream of having a masters in theology into a reality. Thanking you in anticipation.
Br Philip,
I have been seeing your memoirs being published on Facebook. One of them talked of your work against Calvinism. If you are so opposed to Calvinism, why are/were you associated with the Calvin Research Group and a Calvin School of Apologetics. Did you just recently realize that Calvin is the kind of person you claim he is in your works?
Calvin was a great theologian of his times, in spite of some errors. Just because I used his name in some institutions does not mean I am a Calvinist.
Dear Dr. Philip, I have tried to contact you through return email to trinity but the internet tells me it will not forward to you and I have also tried to contact you through your gmail account which I will continue to do. I have remitted my registration fees and am anxiously awaiting to start my studies for the Dr. of Apologetics degree but have yet to receive an internet link for the textbooks. Could you please tell me when I can expect to receive it.
In Christ,
Bertrand C. Smith
Good day! I understand you are generously offering a free degree on Theology through ISDET and Trinity. Please let me know how I can avail of one. I seek mastery on the area of Apologetics and would like to start a similar free Apologetics school program here in the Philippines. I have submitted my details thru ISDET hoping for a positive response from your end.
For Christ
Good day! Sir I have applied for Masters Degree at Trinity but still I am waiting for your reply! Thanks snd Hid bless
Reply sent to you now
Dr. Johnson C Philip, I am a great admirer of your teachings on Apologetics. I have learned many encouraging and eye-opening lessons from your sessions. I have a small question, do you have any teaching on the so-called doctrinal stand ‘Molinism’ in Malayalam? Or anyone whom you can refer to learn that stand? Will it be right for me to request you for a talk on this topic on your Youtube videos or writings? Yours in Christ Anoop from Hyderabad
Dear Anoop, I have not produced anything on Molinism in any language yet. I will see if I can find time to do a book soon.
Thank you Dr.Johnson C Phillip for finding time to reply. That was encouraging. Looking forward to hear from you.
Hello Dr. Philip,
I have been accepted into the Biblical Studies Doctoral program and have sent several emails to your gmail account in regards to my acceptance. Will you please email me and let me know if TGSAT will allow me to be in the program and will send downloads for the study material?
Downloads sent today
Good day sir,
I am honored to contact you. I filled the application form many times, but I have not received any response from you.
I am a Baptist pastor in Nigeria for about three years. I have Master’s Degree in Theology. I am pleased to further my Bible studies in your school and study Doctoral courses so that I can serve God’s people better and reach more souls for Christ. As my application has not been responded to, what else will I do?
Please check your inbox now
I finished all the course work and sent into theBTh to DTh level. I got majorly ill for many years and had to pay the graduation fee to get my earned degrees. I could not pay. Now, I am well, and can do so.
Please let me know what to do.
I have my student id from then too : Student Number : BTH0010010012F
Also, this was back from 2012
If that helps to find my works submitted and other info.
You need to contact the office
Good day Sir,
I am aspiring to be a student of your school (Trinity).I have filled about three forms at three different times, just because I was waiting for a response, but no response. I started filling these forms since January. Please Sir, advise me on what to do or if you will be pleased, I will send you my information in order to send to them.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks Sir.
Hi Dr. Philip:
I started on the D.R.E. program and had to stop temporarily for a few months, do I need to fill out a new application to continue with the program, or just notify you when I start:
Thank you
Information has been sent to you via email
Hi Dr Philip,
Have not received your Brethren newsletters via email for many years since. Anyway, I got many questions to ask, including:
1) I noticed this website is in USA. If want to apply as student, which should I apply to? India branch or the USA branch? And the Scofield?
Similar in fees and recognition?
2) Interested in both Theology and Religious Education? Which one should I start first?
3) I have a Master degree in Law and a Online Diploma in Ministry. As mentioned, I am interested in Religious Education. Which one should I apply? DRE or MRE? Would wish to go straight to do a DRE but some of the subjects in MRE are more interesting. Can we assimilate some of the MRE subjects into the DRE programme (e.g. Economics)?
4) More questions later. BTW, I am almost 60. So time is running out.
Thank you.
WE have no American branch. Scofield is a collaborating school.
Baton Rogue, LA campus?
Oh yes, if you wish to join Baton Rogue, LA you are welcome to do so.
Good afternoon,I’m potential student from Ghana(a developing country) and wish to apply for a master’s program in theology.
Can you please send me the link via by mail.
Dear Dr Philip
Iam your THD student and would like you to fastrack my graduation to enable me advance my ministry work,kindly guide
I have been trying to contact Dr. Philips and the school for more than 2 years now but without any responses. I was duly registered for the DRE and have completed all the requirements successfully and then I have not heard anything from the school.
I will appreciate it if someone can please, contact me urgently to determine what is the next step to finalize the program and graduate. God bless.