FAQ: Credit Transfer
Do you accept credit transfer from other institutions
Yes, we do accept credit transfer from most reputed accredited as well as non accredited institutions. However, the final discretion is ours. We need not accept credits just because a certain institution is accredited, and we need not reject just because a certain institution is unaccredited because accreditation does not automatically mean quality and unaccredited does not automatically mean lack of quality.
Can I transfer Trinity credits to other institutions
You can try to transfer them to other institutions. However, we cannot guarantee such transfer because each institution has its own criterion for such transfer. In fact there is no institution in the world that can unconditionally guarantee transfer of credits to other institutions. For example, credits earned at accredited American seminaries are often rejected by many non American institutions. So you have to ask individual institutions whether they would transfer credit-transfer from Trinity.
I thought accreditation means US Government guarantee for credit transfer
You must realize that the US government does not accredit any theological seminary. In USA all accreditation is done by private Non Governmental Agencies. Also, accreditation only means endorsement of quality and nothing more. In India the government does not get into religious/theological accreditation because of strict church/state separation, and therefore accreditation of theology courses in India is done by NGOs, exactly the way it is done in the USA.
I want an accredited degree that can guarantee me a job in the USA
In that case please look for an institution in the USA that can offer such a guarantee. Trinity is not meant to train job seekers in the American job market. The primary purpose is to equip people in Bible and theology.
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Thanks a lot for the information. God bless and best wishes for you.
Would you allow someone who has done Pastoral ministry for over 36 years and holds a diploma in Biblical Studies and a Bachelor of Theology and they are over 60 years of age, can they be allowed to do a Doctorate without doing a masters Degree?
We do take your pastoral experience into consdieration