Free Course: Muslim Apologetics 003
Muslim Apologetics Free Course, Lesson 003
The term “kenosis” is a Greek word. It is found on Philippians 2:5-7. It means the disuse of the divine powers by Jesus for 33 ½ years when He was born into a human being. The term father had a beginning. He was not called Father in the OT with the NT meaning.
He became father when Jesus was born. He took the role of the father in terms of providence to Jesus. While Jesus did not use His divine powers at this time, it was God who was not incarnated that had taken the term father. This was the very reason Jesus prayed because He could not use His own powers and He wanted God who was not incarnated should exercise His divine powers upon Jesus to show how He took part in the ministry of Jesus of saving mankind from sin. “Father” is a terminology or definition of specific duties not superiority.
The doctrine of Trinity has been attacked by Muslims and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Jehovah’s Witnesses say the term Trinity is not found in the Bible which is true. They conclude that since the term is not found in the Bible therefore this doctrine is false.
The Muslim trinity has God the Father, Jesus the son and Mary. This is strange to most Christians who knew the Bible. Mary does not appear as one of the trinity.
The doctrine of Trinity is considered as Christian idolatry in Islam ( Cragg 2000:30). It is called as the sin of shirk which cannot be forgiven by God according to Islam. Shirk is the associating of a human being or anything to be God (Chapman 2000:139). To certain extent, I want to agree with Islam that calling a human being God is shirk, however, Christian are not guilty of such kind of a sin. Christians do not call Mary as a God. The NT does not have such kind of a text that calls Mary as God. It is the Qur’an that calls Mary as one of the God in the Trinity (Surah 5:119).
The Bible puts the Holy Spirit as the third member of Trinity while as the Qur’an has put Mary as the third member of Trinity. The Holy Spirit to a Muslim is Mohammed which is a teaching which is foreign to the Bible.
It is the improper place given to Jesus that leaves us with a debate to clarify His identity. Once misunderstandings regarding Jesus have been removed it is seen that Jesus is God.
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I want to get my diploma, but I didn’t see anywhere to enroll or anything. Can you help me with this?
i want to more Muslim information
To the admin,
Please correct the number of quran Surah 5:119 to Surah 5:116.
May God bless You.
The Holy spirit gives us joy in are hart.The happiness in islam has been the rah Qoedoes.Daniel speeks of the spirit in him.By the holy spirit can speak prophecy.