Muslim Apologetics Free Course, Lesson 006
Did Jesus Christ prophesy of Muhammad? It is said that the Parakletos which is translated as the comforter or the Holy Spirit is Muhammad. Jesus said “I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever” (John 14:16 emphasis mine). Forever means without beginning or end. He is eternal. Is Muhammad eternal or has he lived forever? History says he was born in 570 A.D. and he died which is strong evidence that he was not what Jesus spoke as the Spirit.
The Spirit is mentioned as being present when the world was created (Gen. 1:1-2). This was a time before Muhammad was born. Numerous verses in the OT speak of the Spirit (Gen. 6:3; Ps. 51:11; Isa. 61:1-3etc). The Spirit is divine because of the divine attribute of eternality.
There are many of the ancient copies which exist until today such as the Vaticanus, written in the half of the 4th century and Sinaiticus which was written in the 4th century. The Alexandrinus was written in the 5th century. In all these Bible versions the name of Muhammad does not appear. Muhammad as a name only appears in “The Gospel of Barnabas” which was written in A.D. 1500. The Gospel of Barnabas is not part of the New Testament canon. The name is forged in this document (Wieland No year: 174).
The honoured Qur’an (Surah 4:157-158) denies that Christ died on the cross. Deedat (p. 71 in a book without a year) calls crucifixion that it is a crucifixion which was invented by Christians.
The Holy Qur’an calls Jesus as righteous (Surah 3:44-45; 19:34). This is in agreement with the NT that He was without sin (John 8:46; 2 Cor. 5:21). “The idea that Jesus escaped actual crucifixion, and that a substitute took his place while he went free, is contradicted by all the evidence. Such an idea involves Jesus trickery and deceit, and everyone including the honoured Koran, recognized that he was without sin” (Wieland no Year:194).
The first evidence that Jesus was crucified come from the NT written by the apostles and the close associates of Jesus (Matt. 27; Mark 14; Luke 23; John 19). What Jesus disciples’ wrote about His death is true because they were close to him than what Muhammad wrote in Koran. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. He had not seen Jesus. He had heard of Jesus. He lived five hundred years after of his lifetime after Jesus. What he wrote cannot be more accurate that what the apostles of Jesus had written (Tembo 2005:37). Do Muslims have evidence of the written documents of the people who were eyewitnesses to Jesus or His close associates?
The Gospels point to the Jews to have handed Jesus to Pilate, the Roman authority to crucify Him. In the Jewish apology, the Jews accept to have killed Jesus (Epstein 1935-48: 21). Accusing the Romans and Jews is the charge which has not been denied by them both (Tembo 2005:38). Have you come across of any literature from the two camps which denies that they had not crucified Jesus?
Lucian, the Greek rhetorician who lived in 120-180 says Jesus was crucified (Harbemas 1997:100). He was neither a Jew nor a Christian. With the arguments pointed above I conclude that Jesus was crucified.
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Yes I have heard of this,God bless for sharing.
Jesus never spoke about every person who every bee existed in the world but he only spoke the Godly persons who are chosen by God for His special task. I believe that for this reason Jesus did not speak about Muhammad.
Yea. JESUS was crucified. Islam is a satanic religion. Satan doesn’t want people to know that Jesus overcame him by His death on the cross. This is why muslims deny that He was crucified. Only Christianity has truth. All other religions are mixtures of truth and lies aimed at decieving mankind. I was angry when I heard president Obama claim that all religions have truth just like all water bodies have water as he supported Islam. Some water is not fit for drinking. So not all water in the water bodies is clean. Islam is a sea of poisonous water. Christianity is a fresh water body.
The scriptures are very clear. Jesus could not have talked of Mohamed except perhaps as the anti-christ who was to come in to the world. The Islamic faith is totally anti-christian as it contraticts everything biblical. How surely could a righteous man be involved in desception as they say?
men of God i appreciate your comments on this subject,the devil,satan is a ‘maradona’,that is,he will do so much to deceive his “client”atfer which he will deceive many unsuspecting and uninformed,ignorant and crude minds.convincing them with a promise(am persuaded that those whom he had deceived will b cursing him even in hell)while our responsiblity is to help those in the cobweb of deceit thro the help of the spirit,may God bless you all.u can reach me via or 07041831683
Lord, Mercy! I am not a Muslim, but I associates who are that I have been trying to win over to Christ. The problem is not that some of them want to convert. Many blacks feel that it is more a racial thing. They say that Jesus was not white.
Anyone who have studied the Ancient Near East will know the truth about many of the races and colors of God’s chosen people in the Bible. Whether black, white, blue or pink, “I don’t care!” We should not be concerned about color. All we need to be concerned about is truth.
Personally, I do not believe the Mohammed has anything to do with salvation. I believe Mohammed had another righteous purpose like Lucifer did, but he too wanted to be more than what he was destined to be. The Holy Bible nor the Apocrapha says anything about Mohammad being in the lineage of Christ.
i beleif greatly in the above article.Mohamad could not be refer to as messenger of God but a theological the age of 25years Hen married to a 45years old widow who inheritted enomous wealth from his late husband.killings for the sake of God,he leaves in 570AD so all his only testimony is not admissible in evidence.
Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit and not about Mohammad. Holy Spirit is the only being that fit into comforter that the Holy Bible portrayed. Holy spirit lives and but Muhammad lived for a period of time, therefore I hold that Jesus did not speak about Muhammad at all. However Jesus was aware that Muhammad will come like any other.