How TGSAT Became the BEST Free Distance Seminary

Today Trinity (TGSAT) has risen to become the best and the most known distance seminary that offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral seminary programs. It took many years of planning, consultation, and implementation to reach such high quality in free theological education.

The first step was to put together a theological seminary curriculum. For this we took help from the best Bible School faculty members worldwide. Also, we revise and upgrade the bible school curriculum once every five years.

The second step was to gather a group of devoted seminary faculty members. Numerous people from around the world helped us in this manner and promised to join Trinity (TGSAT) when we launch the Bible seminary.

The third step was to use the power of the internet to reduce student-teacher distance. We continue to work on all these points. We also continue to learn from student and faculty feedback which keeps coming. This is how today Trinity (TGSAT) stands as the top and number one free distance bible school and seminary in the world.

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6 Comments on "How TGSAT Became the BEST Free Distance Seminary"

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  1. jeyapragasam says:

    Since my child hood my life and style is dedicated on the teachings of Christ Jesus. I would like to do his ministry with a thorough knowledge and understanding of Bible.Hence idesired to persue a theological studies and to get degree.iam retired bank employee .Ian able to pay one time registration fees. Regards greeting in the name of the lord Jesus Christ thanking you

  2. I am one of the newest students of TGSAT. In fact, due to excessive quest for in depth of God’s word, l have been doing tuition-free correspondence studies in many theological schools for yeare now – both certificates, Bachelors and Master degrees. As l write, l have already gotten a Bachelor and Master degrees through correspondence study, not to talk of Certificates levels which l have completed in various theological schools. When l came across “Worldwide Evangelical Seminary (WWES)”, NS, Canada, l thought its the best and most standard theological school l have come across (tuition-free), and actually WWES is one of the best, if not the best and when compared yo all secular and sacred Universities in terms of Religion and Theology. But when l got enrolled in TGSAT, l now know that TGSAT also is the best, one of the best, and the most standard high ranking theological institution when compared to other secular and sacred Universities in my country. Going through the courses one would know that it has taken the owner many years if studious effort to put institution of this caliber together. I will never regret it being a student of TGSAT.

  3. Are you looking for the best theological and ministry training? Are you in dire need and a sincere hunger for the defense of the Christian Faith which was once “delivered unto the saints”? Are you highly impoverished and financially handicapped for a traditional day-to-day theological seminaries or Bible Colleges in your country? Are you looking for the most standard, academically sound and rigorous theological university where you can scale through only with discipline and dedicated hard work? If your answers to these questions are in the affirmative, then l think “Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology (TGSAT) – where l am one of the students – is your answer. And if you do, you will ever remain grateful to God for leading you to this School; and when you are grateful, you will be thankful; and when you are thankful, you will be praiseful, and l when you are praiseful, you will be wonderful by His grace for the work of the ministry. Praise God!

  4. Are you looking for the best theological and ministry training? Are you in dire need and a sincere hunger for the defense of the Christian Faith which was once “delivered unto the saints”? Are you highly impoverished and financially handicapped for a traditional day-to-day theological seminaries or Bible Colleges in your country? Are you looking for the most standard, academically sound and rigorous theological university where you can scale through only with discipline and dedicated hard work? If your answers to these questions are in the affirmative, then l think “Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology (TGSAT) – where l am one of the students – is your answer. And if you do, you will ever remain grateful to God for leading you to this School; and when you are grateful, you will be thankful; and when you are thankful, you will be praiseful, and when you are praiseful, you will be wonderful by His grace for the work of the ministry. Praise God!

  5. I am one of the newest students of TGSAT. In fact, due to excessive quest for in depth of God’s word, l have been doing tuition-free correspondence studies in many theological schools for yeare now – both Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelors and Master degrees. As l write, l have already finished two Bachelors and a Master degrees through correspondence study, not to talk of Certificates and Diplomas that l have completed in various theological schools. When l came across “Worldwide Evangelical Seminary (WWES)”, NS, Canada, l thought its the best and most standard theological school l have come across (tuition-free), and actually WWES is one of the best, if not the best, when compared to all secular and sacred Universities in terms of Religion and Theology in my country. But when l got enrolled in TGSAT, l now know that TGSAT also is the best, one of the best, and the most standard high ranking theological institution when compared to other secular and sacred Universities in my country. Going through the courses one would know that it has taken the owner many years of studious effort to put institution of this caliber together. I will never regret it being a student of TGSAT.

  6. Justin Kamalondo says:

    I had applied under developing countries and had introduced my two would be students.There names are Evans Mwanda and Cephas Simfukwe both are from ZAMBIA and are in your Data base.Am waiting for my lesson to start learning my degree I had applied

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