How To Study, How To Use The CDs

Of the material sent to you, you need to study those Text-only, Audio, and Video CDs that are designated as Text. Some CDs will be designated as “For Listening only”. You need to listen to them, but need not write any assignment. Other CDs will be for your spiritual blessing, and have no connection with your studies. Here is the suggested method of use:

  • Scan through the CDs and make yourself familiar with them as soon as you receive the packet of CDs.
  • Assess the total work-load and devise a time-table to help you complete the course within allotted time.
  • Once the permitted 2 years are over, CRG school allow up to 3 years of extension, but we suggest that you aim to complete the course within the normal time-period.
  • If you are the print-only type person, print the text lessons.
  • Once you discover your pace, stick to it. If you allow anything to disrupt your studies, you may find it a tough task to regain speed.

Technical Aspect Of CDs: The electronic revolution has given rise to literally hundreds of types of file-formats, and no single program can open all of them. With this in mind we include files only in the most popular formats. What’s more, we even include on the Handbook CD all the software that you would ever need to work with the CRG school. Here are some of these formats:

  • Many files on CDs are in the HTML format, and you can read them in any Browser. Please remember that not all Browsers are created equal, so we include a Tabbed Browser on the Handbook CD. A Tabbed Browser allows you to open many documents using multiple Tabs in the same Window.
  • Many files are in the PDF format. You will need to install the Foxit or Adobe Reader from the Handbook CD.
  • Many files are in the EXE format. They will run themselves if you double-click on them.
  • Many Textbook files are in the ZIP format. Files are compressed into this format to save space so that we can place as many files on the Text CD as possible. You will need an unzip program, to decompress them. A software in included on the handbook CD. Once you unzip a file from the CD, you should store it on a folder on your CD.
  • The audio and video files will require a Media Player. The most versatile player is included on your Handbook CD.
  • Practical Work, writing-projects, etc. are to be submitted in the HTML format. Almost any Word processor can convert documents into the HTML format. In case you need a program that saves files directly into this format, use the HTML Editor program included on the Handbook CD.
  • We keep looking for useful free software that CRG students will find useful and add them to the Handbook CD. Please scan though the Handbook CD when you get it. Some of these software can boost your productivity many times what it is today.

Technical Problems With The CDs: Today there are so many files-formats, CD drives, and conflicting software/hardware specifications that nobody can guarantee totally problem-free use of any CD. Thus if you find any difficulty in using any CD sent by us, please note the following:

  • Do not immediately dash an email to the CRG related school with the message, “The CDs are not working. What should i do”.
  • Check whether you know how to handle HTML, PDF, MP3, EXE,and video formats. If not, seek help from a power-user.
  • The computer-culture has produced numerous young people who are willing to help anyone in need. All what you need to do is to ask them for help. Look around in your church and you will find many who are willing to help
  • Just because you are unable to use a CD, or because it does not work on your computer, it does not mean that the CD is defective. Probably a software setting or Windows configuration on your computer needs to be updated and only a local power-user can help. If needed, you should allow him to test the CDs on his computer.
  • We use high-quality CDs and the best available duplicating facility, without trying to save money. Thus rarely only do the CDs become defective.
  • If there is any defective in the Textbook CD, we will send all text-lessons by email. There will be no charge for this service. However, if you want the Text on a replacement CD, you will have to pay postage and packing.
  • If any of the Audio or Video CDs are defective, we will suggest other CDs in the set as substitutes.
  • Since good-quality CD still cost a lot, and since we never charge anything for the first set of CDs and the CD case, we expect students to pay the postage and packing if they wish to receive replacement CDs. Contact the Office for information about postage and packing.
Author: Kochi_Admin_2013

2 thoughts on “How To Study, How To Use The CDs

  1. I hold a master’s degree in education; will I be permitted to enroll in your doctorate program?

    Earnadette Farrar

    1. Admin, I recently received an email from Dr. Philip with instructions to click on the link to and click the box to receive your free Ebooks and CD’s so that I can submit my information to receive the study materials and so to begin classes with Trinity Theology. However, each time I have gone to your hompage, I have never seen the little box to click on that enables me to sign up to receive the free study materials. I am at a loss as to what to do. I also submitted a reply email to Dr. Philips to inform him of this. Where on earth is that little boox on your homepage?

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