Parenting Free Course 001
Christian Parenting, Free Course Lesson 001
Parenting deals with skills that a parent uses to manage the behavior of the child. The parenting style characterizes of what a child becomes in future life. Everything that a parent does to a child has a bearing of the behavior of the child.
Training a child is a command that God gave to each parent. Parents are teachers that God has assigned to children (Prov. 22:6: Duet. 4:6-9; Eph. 6:1-4). Much of the Christian parenting instructions were written for the husband and wife. The Bible was written at times when most of the marriage couples were employed at home. Their main occupation was farming. Children helped their parents in farming or a trade. This means in most cases the family spent their time together.
These families were not dislocated as it today. Education takes children away from parents when they go to school. Much of their time during the day is spent with teachers and their fellow students at school. They either meet their parents a very short time in the evening and early in the morning. Parents should be aware that teachers cannot fill their (parents) gaps in parenting. Some of the teachers have their own children. Mostly today’s teachers are concerned with teaching their academic subjects and not anything else needed to the child about life. Some of the teachers are not Christian believers. They speak insults which may be copied by the children. Some of the teachers have unchristian behaviors which may be easily copied by the child. It advisable to send your children to Christian schools than the secular ones. Also watch out that some of the Christian schools have Christian teachers who are nominal. Their character may still be evil.
Many of the men go away to urban areas in search for jobs leaving only the women to be parent the children. In some cases both the husband and wife are employed and many of the time children being taken care by the guardian or the boarding school. Proverbs (29:15) says “a child left t himself brings shame to his mother” (RSV). Parents should find time to be with their children
Single parenting is becoming common in the modern world. The world has more women today than men. As a result, many women find it hard to get married. They fornicate and have children out of wedlock. Some of such Southern Africa, for example, have several children from different men. The scenario also applies to Christian believers.
It is difficult for a single parent to play the two roles of the father and mother as role models in parenting. If the single parent is working, it leads to negligence in parenting to the child. The single parent should find time and ways of how the gap created would be addressed.
The church can try to fill the gap in parenting. It can offer lessons in parenting to the single parents. The church can also help children to by training them in a variety of ways to fill the gaps of manhood and womanhood. The church should also make follow-ups to see that what they have taught the parent and the children is put into practice.
The single parent would do well to team up with others and form the group parenting. They could at times meet and discuss ways and challenges in parenting. This can be a good platform that they could help each other of how to deal with different challenges they meet in parenting.
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Is there any way possible to receive these 7 parenting courses in the mail? If so my address is 8997 Liberty Lane, Jonesboro, Georgia 30238. I think this would really be helpful for dealing with my grandson. Thank you.
God Bless, Deborah
the free course on parenting is worth reading and puttinto practice
Good Courses
Here were I live at the monent parenting skills are important one of our womens group spent time in teching it
Christian school is mentioned as a means of educating your child but noticed that there is no mention of homeschooling as an option. homeschooling takes great effort and a huge time commitment but is the only way one can teach the word of God “… diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Deuteronomy 6:7.
Studies show that homeschooling is very effective and that children who are homeschooled tend to perform better academically. They also tend to be involved in more varied activities than their public school counter parts and grow up to be productive members of the community. You can find several studies here:
Christian school is mentioned as a means of educating your child but I noticed that there is no mention of homeschooling as an option. Homeschooling takes great effort and a huge time commitment, but is the only way one can literally teach the word of God “… diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Deuteronomy 6:7.
Studies show that homeschooling is very effective and that children who are homeschooled tend to perform better academically. They also tend to be involved in more varied activities than their public school counter parts and grow up to be productive members of the community. You can find several studies here:
I think some children are thinking more concsious
from six years old,and the little one gets the love.
When your gets older and you believe,you get your hope
from God and you are never alone,When I was 16 and did not believe there was a time that i fot that i dont no any
more in my life and it stops there was nothing,now i
believe it can not always easy,but there are good
things to go one and my life is good.Iam growing.
Good course for all good parents
Great course for parenting. Only disgusted by the negative example of South African women with many children from different men. I find it prejudiced and derogatory for a counrty. I am not from that part of the world but I sincerely believe that that point can still be made without citing such a demeaning example with a certain group of people. Remember we are talking about parenting and we mustn’t teach our children prejudice. It’s suppose to be a Christian to uplift and not to cast down.
That’s my candid observation.
Great course for parenting. Only disgusted by the negative example of South African women with many children from different men. I find it prejudiced and derogatory for a counrty. I am not from that part of the world but I sincerely believe that that point can still be made without citing such a demeaning example with a certain group of people. Remember we are talking about parenting and we mustn’t teach our children prejudice. It’s suppose to be a Christian course, so it is to uplift and not to cast down.
That’s my candid observation.