Resisting Mind Manipulation, Free Theology Course

RobotThe human mind is the source of all behavior. It is a complex unit that stores memory, develops intelligence and encourages inquisitiveness. Although there are many more facets to this incredible function locked within the brain or cerebrum, without naming them all, it is quite evident that it represents the center of man’s thinking. This center of thinking has the capacity of leading us into right or wrong direction. Who who control the mind controls the whole person. As a result, numerous deviant movements and philosophies are on the prowl, trying to control human minds every moment. This free theology course takes an in depth look at the subject, of course, at a popular level.

Here are your free lessons:

How These Free Non-graduate Courses Work

Please remember that these free non-degree Bible courses are not part of Trinity School graduate program. Rather, they are offered to those who would love to study without joining Trinity full time.

You will often see an exam at the end of the last lesson. That is for your self-study. Do not send them to us. Rather, discuss the answers with your pastor or a Christian leader. These free bible courses are provided totally free to you as a service of Trinity Graduate School for Apologetics and Theology. You do not have to join Trinity to study them. A large number of these free bible courses are given on this site. Please go back to the home-page to see these courses. Take advantage of this opportunity to study theology totally free. Do bookmark this site and be sure to study all those theology correspondence courses.

There are also a large number of free seminary level ebooks on this site. You can access them from the home page. Be sure to download them. They are offered totally free to you as part of our “A Bible School/Seminary In Every Home” project. We keep adding new books here every month, so do take advantage of this offer.

If, however, your interest is in graduate level course then you need to apply for enrolment into appropriate course. For doing so please click the link of Trinity School shown below, find the graduate course of your choice [bachelors, masters, doctoral program] and should then send an online initial application. The syllabus/textbooks of those courses are totally different from the material presented here for non-degree self-study courses.

We Have Many More Free Bible and Theology Resources For You! Check The Following:

Free Bible Courses | Free Apologetics Courses | Free Biblical Archeology Courses
Free Bible Audio/Video | Free Ebooks


Author: Kochi_Admin_2013

8 thoughts on “Resisting Mind Manipulation, Free Theology Course

  1. Thes proramm is building up an individual into the original nature of God as spell out in scriptures; I have being beating in my mind to bear true witness to the revealed mind of God and asist others do the same; Now as a Doctoral student expecting a certificate . it is time invested and you can do same. Just in Cameroon i can measure in academic strengths with persons out can you imagine so make a trial friend.

  2. Would like to know if Resisting Mind Manipulation course can be sent to my add rest correspond lessons to me because I don’t have a computer.Would love all 18 lessons please. My addrest is 928 White Oak Dr. Oxon Hill,Maryland. 20745. Your school can reach me at 3013665261.Gregory Brown. And thank you very much for your help.God Bless you.

  3. Awesome opportunity at TGSAT for sound teachings and highly impact full courses in the field of Apologetics and Theology!

  4. I have started the free course on Resisting Mind Manipulation. It is very insightful. This is a course I wish to take to my church. Every Christian should be well equipped with Resisting Mind Manipulation.

  5. I didn’t know I knew little until I joined TGSAT. The module on mind manipulation opened up my eyes to very important life issues.

    I recommend this School for your spiritual maturity

    Kebei Ivo

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