Sharing the Gospel With Students, Lesson 001

Sharing The Gospel Free Course, Lesson 001
Trinity Graduate School, Evangelism Course

Sharing the Gospel with students can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Because the vast majority of Christians received Christ before the age of 22, it is of paramount importance that we as believers work hard to expose students to the Gospel.

Of particular strategic significance are high school and college students. When a young man or woman enters high school, he or she begins to become very aware of the world around them, especially as it pertains to adulthood. They are learning to make important life decisions, such as in the areas of dating, love and sex, job and career choices, and study habits. They begin to become somewhat autonomous from their parents, as they seek to transition into an adult in society. It is a fruitful time to introduce them to Christ; if Christ is present in the above mentioned areas, their lives in the long term will be much better as they learn to make wise, Christ-centered decisions.

College students, if possible, are even more strategically significant. They have left home and are seeking to engage the world on their own terms. They are not constrained as much by their home environment. Any decision they make in their lives can be acted upon and implemented immediately. As they are notoriously cause-oriented, college students who are passionate about Jesus can affect real change in the lives of others, having a tremendous influence for the kingdom of God. College students are also among the most mobile segment of society. Usually coming from a higher income level, and having time off from school several times each year, college students are capable of great travel, with the potential to be a driving force for world missions.

What are some other reasons you can think of that make students a significant target for the Gospel?

How did God work in your life when you were a student?

Can you think of others who came to know the Lord when they were students?

One thing to note when we think about sharing the Gospel with students is that the student culture has changed in recent years and continues to change. Some of this can be attributed to the so-called ‘information age’, while some can be attributed to the recent infatuation our culture has had with ‘postmodernism’. It is important to understand where students today are coming from.

There was a time, not very long ago, when communicating the Gospel involved presenting a set of propositions about Christ and allowing the student to decide if by intellectual assent or by the ‘meeting of a need’ they would choose to begin relationship with Jesus. More and more, that is no longer as effective as it once was. Nowadays, students have grown up with a technological savvy unequaled in history. They are children of the Internet. For them, information has bombarded them constantly since they became aware the world around them. As a result, they have to a great degree lost the ability to sift through propositions, decide which are true, and make decisions accordingly. That is not to say that they cannot learn to do these things, but rather that they need help and guidance to do so.

How does this affect sharing the Gospel? Simply said, there must in many cases be a trust component to the presentation. If the Gospel were presented as information about Jesus, most students would shut down. If someone the listener trusts presents the Gospel, they will listen closely and with a desire to hear what you have to say. This in turn makes it easier for them to understand the Gospel and make a decision.

What are ways we can build trust with those with whom we share the Gospel?

What tools might be helpful to present the Gospel in manner that fosters trust?

The other change that has happened among students is what might be called ‘post postmodernism’. For several years much was said about how the young culture was becoming more postmodern in their thinking. Some of the tenets of postmodernism were a rejection of an objective truth, a rejection of meta-narratives (grand stories, such as the story of redemption, that apply to everyone), and the belief that no real meaning can be discerned from any other person’s written or spoken words, as that person’s perspective is too unique for anyone else to understand.

It is the belief of many that the younger generation, as a whole, is moving away from this postmodern worldview. However, the aftermath is a generation that is very inexperienced at discerning what is true. It is almost as if society is relearning the concept of truth.

These two factors, coupled together, have produced a generation that largely believes that truth is found in other people and their experiences, not in texts or information. It has produced a very ‘tribal’ mentality, that is, that ‘insiders’ can be trusted, but all outsiders, no matter their qualifications, are suspect sources for truth. No longer does the expert carry authority; a friend is seen as having greater weight as a spokesperson for what is true.

What is the value of being an insider?

Sharing The Gospel Free Course, Lesson 001
Trinity Graduate School, Evangelism Course


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23 Comments on "Sharing the Gospel With Students, Lesson 001"

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  1. God is faithfull,He will not leave

    • Witness says:

      That is true. God is realy faithfull and does not leave or forsake anyone who trust in Him. David says that, from his youth to olde age he never saw God leaving a righteous

  2. Ernestine Hamilton says:

    The one person you can count on is God, He’s always there when nobody else is.

  3. Steven says:

    Quiet an amazing analysis. Much as an insider has much to be trusted upon by this young generation, we need to continue to witness Christ amongst the young, one or two souls may come to Christ.

  4. Alonzo says:

    God is always there for the person that walks in daily repentance and continually seeking Gods will… Just because Jesus does on the cross does not mean we received a free e-ticket to ride all the rides of sin and to entertain our flesh on Jesus sacrifice!!!

    Heb 10:26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins!!!

    Heb_12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord!

    Jesus warned the seven church in Revelation of their FILTH they were practicing, and made it clear that “HE” would REMOVE their name from the book of life!

  5. would you please show your faith statement. says:

    Faith statement?

    • Kochi_Admin_2013 says:

      Kindly check in Student Handbook on the site!

    • Someone emailed me asking the same question. To most people in America a “Statement of faith” is the doctrinal position often found in your doctrinal position document. For people looking into TGSTA this can be found by examining the Student Manual linked to the home information page at

      I found in this manual both a short and long version. This question is often asked by those wanting an assurance that a Christian group or ministry is orthodox in their core beliefs about Scripture. I’m sure that you will find the Trinity has a Biblical Historical Doctrinal Position as you read their “Statement of Faith in the student Manual. Since I teach in a conservative Seminary I was sure to check this out before I began my doctorate. Both the statement of faith and the coursework affirm historical Biblical doctrines as most evangelicals an conservatives would be concerned with this.

      Lord Bless,

      Dr. Dave

  6. Lindokuhle Sithole says:

    I thank God for opportunities like these to be equipped for the great calling of spreading the Good News of Salvation. May God bless us all in Christ Name

  7. Allen k. Hau Za Thawng says:

    Greetings from Myanmar. I’ m a pastor and missionary in unreach people. If it is possible,
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    and graduate. I’m looking forward to your reply at
    your earliest convenience.
    Thank you.

  8. Samuel Yaw Oduro says:

    I am a preacher, I am interested in a Doctorate course in Ministry. I have filled in the on-line application two weeks now, but I am not getting any feedback.

    Please, help.

    God bless you for this opportunity

  9. Shalom kironde says:

    Content good. Shalom kironde

  10. Marcelino Pascua Galapon says:

    First, i really thank God for His faithfulness, Secondly TGSAT for accepting me as one of your student and i continue pray for this jouney that i may accomplish this study by His grace, despite of i’m no longer young as the others, but my desire is to increase more in the knowledge of God, so i may use this continually for the task that God has intrusted me for His glory. God Bless us all!

  11. Justin Jones says:

    Sharing the gospel with students is so very important. It would be easy to assume that every student who attends Trinity Theology is saved. However, this would be a false assumption. I have learned that many times people follow the church crowd without ever even hearing the Gospel. The Gospel is central to our Faith. We all must strive to make the Gospel the center piece of our lives. Solus Christus.

  12. Justin Jones says:

    Sharing the gospel with students is so very important. It would be easy to assume that every student who attends Trinity Theology is saved. However, this would be a false assumption. I have learned that many times people follow the church crowd without ever even hearing the Gospel. The Gospel is central to our Faith. We all must strive to make the Gospel the center piece of our lives. Solus Christus.

  13. Kebei Ivo says:

    This lesson is amazing and truly relevant. God bless TGSAT for offering such rich courses free.

  14. Kebei Ivo says:

    Amazing lessons for free. God bless TGSAT

  15. Mbinkar M. Linus says:

    A great initiative, Only God will reward you Sir. May God increase your wisdom.

  16. Osemeka Anthony says:

    I wish to sincerely thank TGSAT for this insightful article. It is really wonderful to offer lesson on evangelism for free. God bLess TGSAT.

  17. Otim ray B says:

    I am so excited to be part of TGSAT family.
    Am grateful for such an incredible article that is aimed at evangelizing students

  18. Shalom Lay says:

    I’m just an aged 19 college student. I am proud to be a member of TGSAT family. I have a lot of friends who don’t know Jesus Christ,the Gospel. They are quite stubborn to accept Jesus. They don’t listen to any words of Elders, Pastors and Evangelists. I found that the differences between Outsider and Insider when I have read this article. I want to be an Insider, who can share the Gospel with them. Thanks for this article. May God Bless You all.

  19. Offor says:

    Good morning please it’s getting to one week I applied to this website but yet to receive your response

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