Trinity Graduate School Faculty

A very highly qualified faculty looks after the programs offered by Trinity School Of Apologetics. These people are divided into the following categories:

Specialists: Men who have done considerable research, have at least one doctorate, have several apologetics or theology-related publications, and who have at least two decades of relevant teaching experience.

Faculty/Teachers: Men who have at least a masters degree in Theology, Apologetics, Polemics, or Hermeneutics. In addition, they ought to be presently teaching one or more of these subjects in an institution in addition to Trinity.

Senior Mentors/Mentors: Highly qualified and experienced individuals worldwide who help Trinity students on a one-to-one basis.

Tutors: Men who have at least a four-year degree in theology, and who have considerable teaching and writing experience in Theology, Apologetics, Polemics, or Hermeneutics.

Resource Persons: These are men with exceptionally high achievement in one or more fields of Christian Apologetics. Most of them head one or more organizations related to their areas of specialization. They are available for consultation on specialized subjects. Also, most of them serve as examiners of the research projects and theses received by Calvin. In addition, their evaluation services are available (even after students graduate) for manuscripts produced by students in the fields of apologetics, polemics, hermeneutics, and theology.

Faculty Members And Resource Persons

You can obtain more detailed information about these faculty members, their affiliations, websites, etc. by clicking on their names

  • Dr. Johnson C. Philip, PhD, ThD, DSc, DNYS: Apologetics (Director and President)
  • Dr. Saneesh Cherian, BTh, MDiv, DMin, ThD: Evangelism (Academic Dean)
  • Richard Gagnon (Canada), (MTh, ThD) (Head, Trinity French Division, Canada)
  • Dr. Michael Rudolph (USA) , BS, ThM, JD, DMin: Theology (Faculty Liaison in USA)
  • Dr. Kenny Rhodes, DRE (USA), PhD, ThD(Cand): Theolgy (Representative in USA)
  • Damon Duran (USA), AA, BSc, MSc, (DMin): Apologetics (Representative In The Far East)
  • Astra Kremane (USA), PGDA, ThM, (ThD): Theology (Student Representative, USA)
  • Dr. Ronald E. Coleman (USA), AA, BA, BA, BS, MBA, MDiv, DDiv, ThD: Comparative Religion
  • Dr. Johnson George (Candada), MSc, PhD: Creationism & Apologetics
  • Dr. Miguel A Contreras (USA), AAS, AB, MTh, and ThD: Counseling & Jurisprudence
  • Dr. Salai Lau Lyan Shan (Malyasia), MMin, MTh, PhD
  • Dr. Sunny Thekkel, MA, PhD: Church History, Dogamatics
  • Dr. Stephen Thomas Shardy, BS, MBA, MDiv, MEd, STD Theology
  • Dr. Oommen Philip, MA, MBA, PhD: Communication And Management
  • Dr. Varghese P. Sam, MDiv, Th D: Evangelism & Missions
  • Dr. Benjamin Abraham, MBBS, MD, DCH, DCH, DCH: Medical Ethics
  • Dr. Anand Philip, MBBS, (MTh)
  • Dr. Wayne Bottiger (Korea), M.D. (A.M.)
  • Dr. Andrew Cheuck-Wing TANG (Hongkong), MSc, PhD, MEd
  • Casey Leach (USA), MBS, (ThD)
  • Abraham Thomas, DPT, MA: Child Evangelism
  • Scaria Varghese, MLIS, MCom Library and MIS
  • Sabu Varghese, MA(Theology), (ThD): Counseling and Evangelism
  • Thomji Varghese, MTA, (MTh): Logistics and Communication
  • Lambert Dolphin, AB: Creationism
  • Dr. Stephen Ramesh, MTh, ThD: Theology


  • Dr. Yolanda R. Thomas, MSc, DRE: Media Analysis
  • Dr. Anu Bevin John, MBBS, (MDiv): Counseling
  • Dr. Nancy L. Egan, MS, MDiv, DMin: Counseling


  • Dr. Anand John, ThD: Theology (Head, MP, India Branch)
  • Dr. Godfrey Harold, BA, BTh, MTh, ThD: Theology (Head, South Africa Branch)
  • Eric Venden: Theology (Head, Indonesia Branch)



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Author: Kochi_Admin_2013

5 thoughts on “Trinity Graduate School Faculty


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